Tag: perception
Did you know that lobster used to be prison food? How the heck did...
As recently as the 17th Century, lobster was fed to prisoners and servants - rebranding as an 'exotic dish' by railway companies in the...
What’s on your mind? The reality behind every Facebook post [VIDEO]
You've probably done this yourself - looked at Facebook, seen a lot of posts about other people's lives and thought "Hmmm. Why isn't my...
Look in the mirror. Do you see what everyone else sees? Chances are, you...
Do we ever see ourselves as other see us? It's an interesting question, one that Dove is tackling in its latest campaign to change how women (and men) see themselves.
Four email marketing mistakes that make you look like a spammer, and what you...
A whopping 85% of email sent worldwide is spam. Plus, personal emails now account for only 14% of inbox email. Half of what’s left is made up of opt-in newsletters and deals. That’s a lot of marketing emails! So, how do you make sure your marketing emails don't end up being classified as spam?
Marketing: What’s in a brand?
Negative or positive, everyone and every business stands for something. You can’t always control the opinions others form about your business, but you can...