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Tag: patent attorney

Engineering meets the law: How 3D printing could affect the Australian patent system

Like any disruptive technology, the advent of 3D printing technology also raises many legal questions in the area of intellectual property. Understanding the legal issues surrounding 3D printing is more important than ever.

Chris Baxter, 2011 Anthill 30under30 Honourable Mention

There's something liberating about being a self-described nerd. Chris Baxter is comfortable with the label, especially since it falls easily alongside his bigger, more powerful moniker -- international patent law attorney. Baxter says he started his patent-law firm, Baxter IP, because he wanted SMEs and entrepreneurs to have the same access to protection of intellectual property that big R&D companies do.
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How to zig when everyone else is zagging, with Julio De...

Why is it that some business owners appear impervious to business obstacles and upsets? In some cases, it seems that it’s the obstacles that drive certain personality types to success. In this CHEAT SHEET, we share five ways of thinking to respond to INDUSTRY, ECONOMIC, BRAND, SOCIETAL and PERSONAL shifts.


Instagram for Business… in 12 steps [FREE INFOGRAPHIC]

This FREE INFOGRAPHIC will teach you how to effectively work through these restrictions to maximize the benefits of your business usage of Instagram.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...