Tag: Inventium
Bees, virtual reality and testicular cancer: innovation secrets from the AFR’s Most Innovative Companies...
Beehives that have saved the lives of millions of bees; virtual reality experiences for job-seekers, and pornography that delivers testicular cancer messages are just some of the groundbreaking innovations that have appeared in this year’s Australian Financial Review’s Most Innovative Companies list.
Come on, let the good ideas roll: Here are 5 ways to create a...
Does your business have a culture in which innovation thrives? Do you encourage your team to challenge the status quo? Or do you struggle to find the time?
From food to phones, pets to publishing, these are the 2016 Businesswomen’s Hall of...
HerBusiness, formerly known as the Australian Businesswomen’s Network (ABN) has announced the 2016 inductees to the Businesswomen’s Hall of Fame
Australia’s most ‘remarkable’ companies go wild at the 7th annual Cool Company Awards
The Coolest Company accolade was awarded to app developer Budge for creating a way to make gaming meaningful. “When is losing fun? When charities win,” said Tuckerman.
Meet Inventium, Anthill 2012 Cool Company Award Finalist [Innovation Category]
Inventium does more than instruct other businesses on how to be creative -- it gives them the tools to detect and predict creative thinking in their employees and recruits. The sharpest tool in the box is the Inventium Creative Aptitude Test (ICAT), the world's first developed psychometric test.
How an aerobics class can help you come up with better ideas
It is assumed that exercise is good for our mental health, but does it make us more creative?
Are assumptions killing your business?
Assumptions – those nasty things that sit around in the back of your head and stop your thinking going anywhere interesting – are one of the biggest creativity killers in organisations of all sizes. Chances are, if you have a problem you are trying to crack, your assumptions or pre-conceived notions are boxing in your thinking. Set them free.
‘Be the bamboo’: Thinking tips for innovative minds
Scientific research conducted over recent years by the University of London has examined the effect of bamboo-like behaviour on innovation at work. After studying a group of people from a large media organisation over a period of many months, the researchers found some enlightening results.