Tag: executives
Stop! Do not sign yourself into an executive level contract of slavery!
The onus therefore falls on the executive employees to negotiate and customise their terms and conditions of employment. Therefore, an employment contract should be negotiated after careful consideration and scrutiny of the key terms of the contract.
How do Australian executives feel about the current business climate? [PODCAST]
Barry Westhorpe is Chief Executive of The CEO Institute - Victoria, a leading networking group for senior executives. In this podcast, Westhorpe explains the results of a recent report released by the institute on CEO confidence levels in Australia. While news has been good for the financial and service sectors, business sentiment is turning pessimistic due to uncertainty in overseas markets and in Government policy on SMEs.
Differing job exit patterns between men and women, says career strategist
This episode of Talking Business features an interview with Jannine Fraser, founder and managing director of outplacement specialists Directioneering, which offer career strategy and guidance to people who leave or lose their corporate jobs. She reveals the striking difference in the approaches men and women take when they exit senior roles at organisations and how this might impact the future of management hires.
Research: high income earners happy but lack employer loyalty
In February, top level recruitment site Six Figures published its 2010 Executive Career Monitor Report. The report was compiled from a survey in late 2009 (in conjunction with talent site Destination Talent) of 1,332 Australian high income earners, with the findings being released at a breakfast meeting in Melbourne on 2nd March.
WWIII: The Great War on Capital of 2008
Shareholders around the world have seen extravagant expenditures of their wealth squandered by CEOs with their arm-waving and talmudic reading of balance-sheets and P&Ls, like the obsessive, pre-scientific study of entrails. Less than one CEO in a hundred could give an intelligent, educated account of what strategy it would take for their business to survive in the rapidly evolving environment of the next decade.
21st Century management strategies for recession-proofing your business
For these businesses (and their owners) to survive this rapidly changing economic environment intact, they just can't continue to do everything by themselves. To be successful, they need to have an experienced team around them to provide the information, experience and support to meet these growing challenges. This team needs to be able to provide the experienced advice that is needed. They need to know how to handle a difficult economic environment. They need to be flexible. And they need to be affordable for the business.
Does anyone actually need a $1m salary?
The Global Financial Crisis (a gift from our good friends, CEOs in the USA) is bringing many of us a lot of pain and there is plenty more to come. However, it also brings us a rare opportunity for change. Let's use this time of pain to make painful changes so that when we hit the upswing, we have a better system.
Global executives reveal Top 10 dos and don’ts of downsizing
Layoffs are never pleasant, but they can be done well and they can be done poorly. To explore this and other leadership questions further, a recent survey asked hundreds of global corporate executives and talent management leaders for their opinions on the most effective ways to manage staff during an economic downturn.
Global executives reveal Top 10 dos and don'ts of downsizing
Layoffs are never pleasant, but they can be done well and they can be done poorly. To explore this and other leadership questions further, a recent survey asked hundreds of global corporate executives and talent management leaders for their opinions on the most effective ways to manage staff during an economic downturn.
Why executives fear social media
In this video, New York Times technology columnist/blogger David Pogue makes some interesting points on why many executives fear social media, citing loss of control and reluctance to part with their one-way, broadcast spin mentality, to mention a few.
Survey: Executive expectations reveal no silver lining
It certainly isn't new news anymore that these are trying economic times, but that hasn't discouraged the large business analysis firms from gauging, on...