Tag: elance
How to actually execute your to-do list [PODCAST]
PreneurCast is a marketing + business podcast. Each week, author and marketer Pete Williams and digital media producer Dom Goucher discuss entrepreneurship, business, internet...
Freelancing pays big: New study finds 3.7 million Australians now freelance
Ask me about freelancing. I’m a freelancer, and you’re reading these words because of Elance, the company this article is about.
Yup, Anthill found...
This 20-something launched a global media empire while still working a day job. How...
The Sauce is a monthly podcast, hosted by James Tuckerman and Kyri Theos . Guests are invited to discuss common business principles that...
Freelance jobs, and freelancers, soaring in Australia
Freelancers and freelance jobs are soaring in Australia, according to the American freelance jobs site Elance. This will hardly come as a surprise to anybody. After all, the recent phenomenon is driven by two seemingly inexorable forces – individuals seeking freedom and flexibility in their jobs, and businesses seeking much the same, besides the opportunity to tap a larger talent pool.
New media venture to experiment with crowdsourcing, other models
The platform could help media companies pick a journalist in any part of the world for an assignment without the cost of sending one out there. For example, an Australian magazine seeking special coverage of the inauguration of a new Pope in The Vatican could, presumably, use Newsmodo’s network to find a duly qualified journalist for the job.
So, what’s your score? Gamification edge to rating freelancers
So there is a large marketplace for designers and online marketers, and competitive bidding for businesses. But how do you separate the grain from the chaff?