Tag: documentary
The man behind (inside?) Elmo confirms the fun of chasing your dreams
We've spoken lately -- and controversially -- about entrepreneurship as art. Creating something out of nothing and making it beautiful -- that's the prime directive. Not accumulating money. We were reminded of business-as-art when we saw this trailer for a documentary about the man behind (inside?) "Sesame Street" superstar Elmo.
Here’s video proof that Anthill is the perfect name for this website
For those who wonder why we chose Anthill as the name of this humble endeavor glowing on your screen, we offer this video, in which researchers create a 3D blueprint of a huge colony of ants. Take a look. It's rather stunning. And the results speak for themselves.
The pursuit of profit is pounded into submission by documentary ‘Zeitgeist: Moving Forward’ [VIDEO]
It's doubtful anyone can have a middling response to "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward." The documentary is one of those creations that either makes you cheer that someone is finally speaking truth to power, or that the filmmaker should be locked in a freezer at the bottom of a deep, deep hole.
The making of the best TV commercial in recent memory
Remember Sony's original Bravia LCD TV commercial from a few years ago that everyone loved? The one with thousands of multi-coloured balls bouncing down hills in San Francisco like something straight out of a child's daydream? Well here's how they made it.
Us Now – Oh the times, they are a changin
Us Now is a fascinating documentary film examining the astonishing pace of change that society is currently undergoing, led by the growth of the internet, technology and the new tribalism they are enabling.
The Man Who 'Souled' the World
We have fifty 'R' rated DVDs to give away.
But it's not what you think. ;-)
'The Man Who Souled the World' is an award-winning documentary...
The Man Who ‘Souled’ the World
We have fifty 'R' rated DVDs to give away.
But it's not what you think. ;-)
'The Man Who Souled the World' is an award-winning documentary...