Tag: Dermott Dowling
Don’t over think it, just KIISS! Keep It Insanely Simple Stupid
Why do most businesses make it so complicated for themselves, as well as you and me as consumers? And how come some businesses get...
Looking for love: 10 ways to find the perfect match to grow your business...
In business, just as in personal life, finding a partner is very important to reaching your full potential and growing.
Different cultures, geographies,...
How to sail the 7Cs to grow your international business
For many businesses and business owners, change can feel both exciting and challenging. For some, it feels downright daunting.
However, what is universally true is...
A case study on reinvention and growth: Swisse is not selling vitamins, it’s selling...
We have all heard of the 4Ps of marketing but at Swisse they are different.
At Swisse, the 4Ps stand for in order of priority:
Extra, extra: Wow, the Mayans got it wrong – get back to work!
Well, here we are. Having made it past 21 December, perhaps now would be a good time for us to look back and reflect on the year that was so we can relax over the holidays and think about plans for the coming New Year. I’d like to share with you some advice from a morning that I spent last year with the Wizard of Wow himself, Paul Dunn. I think you might find these insights to be worth pondering over your happy holidays.
Are you a winner or a loser?
The wise words of Rosabeth Moss Kanter ring true for every entrepreneur: Everything can look like a failure in the middle. But winners must lose some of the time. How do you know if you, or your company, is a winner or a loser?