Tag: community
A recipe for rural success: How to build a business when you don’t live...
More and more, networking and support groups are being setup in regional and rural areas as home based business and small business become more attractive.
Australian social media network Nabo has secured additional funding from its initial launch investors
Australia’s first hyper-local social media network, Nabo, recently successfully completed an additional round of funding from investors Seven West Media and Reinventure, an independent...
How to build a powerful online community for the benefit of your business.
First, of all I would like to note that there is a really big difference between audience and community. An audience is one-way. Not...
Ethical food advocates demand ACCC investigate Coles and Woolworths. Are farmers and families being...
Australian local food pioneers Food Connect and CERES Fair Food have joined with the National Farmers Federation to call on the ACCC to break up Australia's supermarket duopoly and ensure a more just, equitable and sustainable food future for Australian families.
Why this store erupted into applause (3 tips for making customers feel part of...
Recently, I walked into a store crammed with people, lusting after technology, gathering, trying and buying new tools and toys. Then, five minutes later, something happened that stopped me in my tracks: the whole store erupted into cheers. Everyone stopped what they were doing, literally hundreds of people, and started applauding with vigour. Here's why.
Hidden Pizza Restaurant reveals not-so-hidden flaws in Yellow Pages’ digital strategy
What Yellow Pages has done with this campaign is spend (undoubtedly) an enormous amount of money reminding you that it exists. In the process, it may have also unwittingly demonstrated the strengths of its competition.
Hidden Pizza Restaurant reveals not-so-hidden flaws in Yellow Pages' digital strategy
What Yellow Pages has done with this campaign is spend (undoubtedly) an enormous amount of money reminding you that it exists. In the process, it may have also unwittingly demonstrated the strengths of its competition.
The best three-minute video about leadership you will ever see
You might think you have a pretty good grasp on what makes an effective leader. You might even think you're pretty good at explaining it to others. But it's unlikely you can do a better job explaining it than this roughly shot three-minute video of a lone, shirtless guy dancing at a concert.
Personal branding: Are you the real deal?
It's becoming impossible to get through the day without hearing some expert or other holding forth about personal branding. But could we be at risk of taking ourselves too seriously?
Website of the Week: Business Exchange
The real value in this new digital media landscape rests with networks and the ability to extract what is interesting and useful from the cacophony created online by pornographers, pontificators and penny-stock pushers. Last August, US business magazine BusinessWeek lifted the lid on Business Exchange, a social media initiative that it had been developing for two years.
Website of the Week: Lost At E Minor
Something a bit different this week.
At Anthill, we're keen advocates of great design as a gateway to untapped creativity. We place immense emphasis on...
So you’ve had enough of the dog next door barking all night, not to mention the techno music two doors down. And, what’s that,...