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Bees, virtual reality and testicular cancer: innovation secrets from the AFR’s Most Innovative Companies...

Beehives that have saved the lives of millions of bees; virtual reality experiences for job-seekers, and pornography that delivers testicular cancer messages are just some of the groundbreaking innovations that have appeared in this year’s Australian Financial Review’s Most Innovative Companies list.

Fintech start-up Stockspot raises an additional $1.25 million to manage more Australians’ money smarter...

Stockspot, Australia’s first ever online, automated investment adviser and fund manager, has raised an additional $1.25 million to help it reach more Australians and enhance its product.

Australians misplace 7 million credit cards annually. These 3 tech solutions can cut that...

Nearly 11.5 million credit cards are reported lost or stolen annually in Australia. Just imagine how tall a card castle you can build with...

It was a simple problem to solve, so why did only one bank think...

If you’ve cancelled a misplaced credit card only to have it turn up from between the sofa cracks, you’re not alone. In fact, that...

Will the real Australian entrepreneur please stand up?

Commonwealth Bank, armed with the insights of a psychologist and entrepreneurs themselves, embarked on a quest to identify the real Australian entrepreneur. Now it believes it might have decoded the Aussie entrepreneur’s DNA.

Bank creates a secure digital safety locker in the cloud!

A Commonwealth Bank survey came up with an interesting number – 2.2 hours. This is the average time each Australian spent in searching for receipts and supporting documentation for their tax returns. The number adds up to a huge 1,800 “lost” years for the nation.

The future of print media? Augmented-reality newspaper ad jumps off the page [VIDEO]

Who says print is dead? Commonwealth Bank tapped the talents of Sydney computer graphics company Explore Engage and put out a newspaper ad that jumps off the page. All you need is a smartphone camera loaded with a reader app.
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How to expand into New Markets with Elsita Meyer-Brandt [CHEAT SHEET]

Most organisations begin with aspirations to start local, then grow global. But, in reality, very few ever take the big leap into new markets. In this Cheat Sheet, Elsita Meyer-Brandt, Head of Market Expansion and International Marketing for Eventbrite, shares five rules to help organisations, just like yours, expand into new markets.


Seven steps to crafting the perfect email, with James Tuckerman [FREE...

We are all bombarded by emails every day. We bombard others with emails. It’s a congested superhighway of e-promises, lead magnets and chit chat out there. So how on Earth are your emails going to stand out? James Tuckerman is a man who knows a thing or ten about online marketing. In this cheat sheet, he shares seven steps to achieve two very clear goals: Opens and click throughs.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...