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How to lead a team: these are the 5 qualities every successful CEO needs...

Leadership is a topic often spoken about but rarely perfected. Anyone at the helm of a business wants to be a great leader, but often the day-to-day challenges, fears and intricacies of running a business can distract from what it means to really lead a team.

AU$56 billion – that’s how much ANZ businesses are losing to unnecessary admin

Kronos, the global leader in workforce management software launched its latest research paper, The $56billion Question which revealed the impact unnecessary administrative tasks has on Australian and New Zealand businesses.

When entrepreneurship runs in the family: these two sisters have taken mum’s business beyond...

After years of being a stay-at-home mum, Jenny Folley started to get itchy feet. She missed the thrill of work but didn’t want to...

From 'Gunna' to Doer: three keys to starting up smart

I left behind a well-paid senior executive role at a financial institution to start a company that takes on the secretive online broker industry. I made that decision to leap, even though I have a young family of four. So what made me do it? In reality it was very subtle – three things called confidence, perspective, and balance.

3 simple steps to getting a meeting with just about any CEO [VIDEO]

We've already brought you the chestnut of wisdom that is the Gaddie Pitch. Now, here are the three simple steps to securing a meeting with just about anyone you want to do business with. We know it works because, well, Antony Gaddie used it to get a meeting with our very own Mr James Tuckerman.

The ballooning pay packages of Australia’s CEOs (or, ‘Ralph Norris, can you spare a...

Finding yourself stretched thin to pay the staff wages this month? We offer a quick (and thoroughly outlandish) solution: Ring up Commonwealth Bank CEO Ralph Norris and convince him to hand over a small fraction of his annual pay. How about just an hour's worth, Ralph? Sure, the banking mogul says, here you go: $1,844.

Who should be on your company’s board?

Reforming the board’s composition proved to be essential for the turnarounds at Credit Suisse and UBS. But in both cases it took a severe crisis to provoke the reform. Will other companies learn to reform their boards before they are hit by a crisis? Or will the old maxim continue to apply: no change without a crisis? Paul Strebel proposes five requirements to encourage healthy corporate governance.

Google Instant: Search revolution or baseless hype?

The moment Google unveiled its novelty technology Instant Search it inspired a young Stanford student Feross Aboukhadijeh to create an Instant search experience for Youtube. He posted his work on Hacker News and, within 24 hours, Feross received a tweet directly from Youtube CEO Chad Hurley asking "Are you ready to leave school?"

Australian companies' payment behaviour reveals unnerving pattern: Is our economy really recovering?

According to the latest trade payments analysis by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B), the payment terms of Australian firms have risen for the third consecutive quarter.

Australian companies’ payment behaviour reveals unnerving pattern: Is our economy really recovering?

According to the latest trade payments analysis by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B), the payment terms of Australian firms have risen for the third consecutive quarter.

Commercialisation Australia CEO announced

After months of speculation, Innovation Minister Senator Kim Carr today announced that the new CEO of Commercialisation Australian will be entrepreneur and venture capitalist, Doron Ben-Meir.

Do ‘C-Grade’ students make the best CEOs?

We’re conditioned to think that people who excel at school are the ones that go on to excel in business. However, research indicates that a better guide is not the distinction between A and C students but between ‘fixed’ and ‘growth’ mindset individuals. Robert Wood explains.

WWIII: The Great War on Capital of 2008

Shareholders around the world have seen extravagant expenditures of their wealth squandered by CEOs with their arm-waving and talmudic reading of balance-sheets and P&Ls, like the obsessive, pre-scientific study of entrails. Less than one CEO in a hundred could give an intelligent, educated account of what strategy it would take for their business to survive in the rapidly evolving environment of the next decade.

Does anyone actually need a $1m salary?

The Global Financial Crisis (a gift from our good friends, CEOs in the USA) is bringing many of us a lot of pain and there is plenty more to come. However, it also brings us a rare opportunity for change. Let's use this time of pain to make painful changes so that when we hit the upswing, we have a better system.
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Five essential ingredients for a humming homepage with James Tuckerman [FREE...

Most homepages dedicate too much of their valuable space to predictable and generally unhelpful information, such as the purpose of the business, their products and services, their achievements and needy invitations to ‘buy, buy, buy’ or ‘contact us for a free consultation on no obligation quote’. Effective homepages focus on the needs and wants of the customer.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...