Tag: carlsberg
Aussie tech start-up goes to Hollywood: Melbourne-based IntelligenceBank has opened a Los Angeles office
IntelligenceBank, a business process software company based in Mebourne, recently announced the launch of its new office in Los Angeles.
Here’s how to parody Apple, not get sued and sell lots of apple cider...
This ad is full of terrible apple and Apple puns. But they work. And, so far, Apple seems to have few complaints.
Beer advertising. It rarely gets better. Or ever so frightening.
There's something about beer commercials that always seems to elevate this genre of advertising just that little bit above regular commercials. Perhaps it's the vast budgets. Perhaps it's the elasticity of the subject matter. Or perhaps it's simply the inspiration that comes from product testing. (And beer account managers do like to product test. Most days, from... like... now.)