Tag: business plans
Are you a modern day information broker? If so, that could make you a...
Profits have always been made by those organisations that owned the most attention. What's changing now is that it's much, much easier to acquire some of that ownership. Called ‘Streams of Content’, the presentation likens the flow of information in modern society to a stream.
Get rid of “Best Practice” Bingo once and for all
Yesterday I was in a meeting and the term “best practice” came up. It wafted across the table and went straight up my nose. The meeting was nearly over and I’d made a big enough menace of myself that day to launch into my tirade on “best practice”, so I’ll let you hear it now. It might change the way you think...
Creativity vs Innovation – A fool’s dilemma
To succeed, innovation needs to be more than a nebulous desire to foster creativity in an organisation. It needs to be a concrete business process driven from the top. Roger La Salle explains.
Vision and Focus, the Capulet and Montague of business strategy
Some quick thoughts on one of the hardest things to do as an entrepreneur (or intrapreneur) -- holding both a big vision and a brutal focus in your mind at the same time. They sound like contradictions and in many ways they are the endlessly feuding families of a new venture. You need to make them happy neighbours though.
Top 10 must-haves for startups
In 2001, Frank Levinson of Finisar Corporation delivered this no-nonsense talk in which he offers his top 10 things you must have to start a business. And just like the lecture itself, the overriding theme is to keep things simple.
Guy Kawasaki's 10-20-30 rule for effective business presentations
In this classic talk, Kawasaki outlines his "10-20-30 Rule" for ensuring that your business presentations are sizzle-fests rather than snore-athons.
Guy Kawasaki’s 10-20-30 rule for effective business presentations
In this classic talk, Kawasaki outlines his "10-20-30 Rule" for ensuring that your business presentations are sizzle-fests rather than snore-athons.
Great startup advice from Jerry Greenfield, co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream
Anthillian, Rentoid.com founder and 2009 Cool Company Awards judge Steve Sammartino yesterday had the good fortune to meet Jerry Greenfield, co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. He asked Greenfield for his number one tip for entrepreneurs starting up a business. Greenfield, generous guy that he is, offered two. Sammartino videoed it.
Great startup advice from Jerry Greenfield, co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream
Anthillian, Rentoid.com founder and 2009 Cool Company Awards judge Steve Sammartino yesterday had the good fortune to meet Jerry Greenfield, co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. He asked Greenfield for his number one tip for entrepreneurs starting up a business. Greenfield, generous guy that he is, offered two. Sammartino videoed it.
Seven things you need to know before you consider franchising
Franchising is often a desirable growth option for profitable companies looking to expand. However, competing with the best in the game requires planning and a sound strategy. Ian Krawitz, of market research house 10 Thousand Feet and www.toprfranchise.com.au, shares his top seven tips for franchise success.
One man’s passion for soft drink creates blue ocean strategy
Here's an example of a small business driven by his love for soft drinks. What's remarkable about John Nese, owner and founder of Galco's Soda Pop Stop, is that he has unintentionally created his own blue ocean strategy, selling something as simple as 'sugar water'. Thanks to the Startup Melbourne blog for bringing this to our attention.
One man's passion for soft drink creates blue ocean strategy
Here's an example of a small business driven by his love for soft drinks. What's remarkable about John Nese, owner and founder of Galco's Soda Pop Stop, is that he has unintentionally created his own blue ocean strategy, selling something as simple as 'sugar water'. Thanks to the Startup Melbourne blog for bringing this to our attention.
What Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize and startup capital raising have in common
US President Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize based not on his accomplishments but to “encourage his vision” is not dissimilar to an entrepreneur trying to raise capital for the first time. Kim Wingerei explains.
What Obama's Nobel Peace Prize and startup capital raising have in common
US President Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize based not on his accomplishments but to “encourage his vision” is not dissimilar to an entrepreneur trying to raise capital for the first time. Kim Wingerei explains.
Diary of an entrepreneur raising capital: I think, therefore IM
My focus this week has been on drawing up the first draft of our Information Memorandum (IM). Unlike the business plan, I haven't found this particularly easy at all.
Commercialisation Australia and the Valley of Death
Firstly, let's clear up some confusion. Commercialisation Australia is not going to pay for your marketing campaign, help you with advertising or fund you to break into your desired market. CA will help you up to the point that you are ready to go commercial. That is, it will help with pre-commercialisation.
Sammartino and Liubinskas discuss startup momentum
A couple of weeks ago Pollenizer's Mick Liubinskas put in a video call to Rentoid's Steve Sammartino to pick his brain about the concept of startup momentum. Fortunately, Mick recorded it for the benefit of us all. Watch Steve discuss his views on the important role iteration plays in emerging businesses.
5 reasons I hate logos
Okay, maybe that's a tad on the dramatic side. What I hate is this faffing around with logos as an excuse for not doing other, real, important stuff with your business.
Online events startup takes top honours in 2009 RMIT Business Plan Competition
Online events startup ourevent.info has taken out top honours at RMIT University's prestigious 2009 Business Plan Competition.
Who really benefits from the Rudd Government’s new Commercialisation Australia program?
The news yesterday that the Federal Government has unveiled details of its $196 million Commercialisation Australia (CA) initiative has been welcomed by many entrepreneurs and innovation consultants. These same intended beneficiaries might also be forgiven for wondering whether it is an improvement on the $1 billion Commercial Ready Scheme it is designed to replace.