Tag: brand awareness
Here’s how to start and build a successful self-funded business from social media
Social media is growing as a platform, to not only reach consumers but also to build a brand’s online presence. Creative industries in particular thrive off image based social media platforms to build awareness.
Step into the future – how to incorporate virtual reality tech into your marketing...
It offers an immersive environment for the users: and this is where everything else pales. Getting users completely immersed into your content creates a new experience, a new way of interacting with your message and brand.
LEGO can make anything better, even Christmas [VIDEO]
Well played Sydney Westfield.
What do you do if you want to bring attention to your city and your company?
You create the Australia's biggest...
Show Pony Fashion uses social media to make $1M in first year. Who says...
Founded little over a year ago on the back of a credit card 'investment' Show Pony Fashion has defied the industry trend of sliding sales to post it's first million dollars in revenue. A combination of internationally-inspired, Australian-designed and affordable garments coupled with an intelligent approach to social media and ecommerce seems to have struck a chord with Australia's fashion-conscious women.
Why PR is a pointless waste of time
I’ve never been a fan of the whole PR thing -- I’ve seen so many people sink time, effort and money into PR and then see no real ROI from it. And don’t even start with that “brand awareness” crap.