When you start a business, chances are you are thinking that you can handle everything that comes your way on your own. After all, if you want it done right you have to do it yourself, right? Not so fast – keep in mind that you are not a master of all trades.
There’s a reason people specialize in one area of business over another. When you deviate from your area of expertise to take care of payroll or building a website, you are taking time and energy away from the core strengths that led to to create your own business in the first place.
What’s more, every little decision you make outside of your core strengths takes mental energy away to the point that you will begin to experience decision fatigue and start making easily avoidable mistakes. As your business grows, unless you learn to hire the right people for the job, you will continue to damage your business if you try to do it all yourself.
Hiring the right people is crucial for any business — you have to be able to delegate the things that aren’t your strengths to others, and it’s important that those other people are capable of taking care of those things.
As your business grows you have to be able to rely on others so that you can keep things moving forward with clients. If you get a huge new client and you aren’t ready to take on that workload, your business is not scalable.
If your business is not scalable, it will never grow, and if your business never grows what was the point of starting it in the first place?
When you start a business, or even if you already have a business, the time to think about scalability is now. Learn more about the art and science of scalability from this infographic!
Courtesy of brunnerconsultinginc