This SMART 100 profile and the information it contains is a duplication of content submitted by the applicant during the entry process. As a function of entry, applicants were required to declare that all details are factually correct, do not infringe on another’s intellectual property and are not unlawful, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy, obscene, or otherwise objectionable. Some profiles have been edited for reasons of space and clarity.
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This innovation initially came to life when…
…I saw several friends struggle to get work positions when graduating from uni because they lacked their driver’s licence. Like many 20-somethings, they’d lived in inner city share-houses since leaving school and had never felt the need to own or drive a car. They still required several hours to complete driving logbooks and were uncertain if they could even pass the driving test. Lessons were incredibly expensive, beyond the budget of a part-time employee, and difficult to coordinate around busy lives. I knew there had to be a much easier, simpler and affordable process for obtaining a licence.
The purpose of this innovation is to…
…make driving accessible for all those wishing to gain their licence by reducing the cost of lessons and by making it easier to book and schedule lessons. GoDrve aims to provide a modern tech experience for millennials seeking learn-to-drive lessons.
It does this by…
…connecting learner-drivers with vetted, high-quality and trusted local instructors via an online platform. GoDrve provides a hassle-free process for booking and scheduling. All learners are provided with the opportunity to rate their lesson, which helps to ensure quality and safety on the GoDrve platform. We’ll be looking to offer an online automated logbooks to compliment the service.
This innovation improves on what came before because…
GoDrve provides affordable and trusted driving tuition through low operating costs and a driver rating system. Our local driving instructors impart an intimate knowledge of test conditions and the local area. The benefits for instructors include less time performing administrative tasks (usually 3-4 hours/week) and travelling to and from lesson locations.
Its various benefits to the customer/end-user include…
…inexpensive driving lessons, at a time that fits their busy schedules. Local and trusted instructors can maximise a learner-drivers’ time behind the wheel and improve their probability of passing the test. Shortly, we’ll be taking the hassle out of logbooks.
In the past, this problem was solved by…
…booking expensive and inflexible lessons over the telephone or playing ‘phone tennis’ with a busy instructor that was unable to answer while driving or teaching. Driving experience has previously been recorded in a paper logbook, which is incredibly tiresome for tech-savvy millennials.
Its predecessors/competitors include…
…traditional driving schools (like NRMA, RACV) that haven’t changed their booking approach for many years, which is where we saw an opportunity. They have limited control over lesson quality, often requiring >24hrs to assign from a pool of non-local employees.
It is made for…
…price conscious learner-drivers that are inconvenienced by not having a licence, such as apprentices, university students and those in early careers. GoDrve also caters for new learner-drivers (including school-age students) who find it hard to regularly log driving hours, as well as learner-drivers wanting local knowledge in preparation for their test. We are presently available in Melbourne and Sydney, with plans to expand to other metropolitan centres.
It is available for sale through…
…direct sales channels including the company website, through the NSW Police Streetsmart handbook and conventional phone sales.
Our marketing strategy is to…
…target organic and local search engine optimisation, along with lead generation campaigns. We are also focused on client retention by continually improving the user experience and offering a 100% money back guarantee on all first lessons. GoDrve will increase marketing reach and PR when the app is available.
FINE PRINT: This SMART 100 profile and the information it contains is a duplication of content submitted by the applicant during the entry process. As a function of entry, applicants were required to declare that all details are factually correct, do not infringe on another’s intellectual property and are not unlawful, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy, obscene, or otherwise objectionable. Some profiles have been edited for reasons of space and clarity.