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About 30under30 and the Editors’ Ten:
30under30 is an Anthill initiative launched in early 2008 to encourage and promote entrepreneurship among young Australians. This year saw a surplus of highly qualified entrants — far more than the 30 spots reserved for the best and brightest. We thought we would spotlight 10 innovative nominees who just missed the Top 30, yet impressed our judges enough to merit special attention. Behold, our Editors’ Choice Honourable Mentions for 2012! More.
Jessie Larcombe, QLD (b. 1985)
Name: Jessie Larcombe
Age: 27 (Born: April 1985)
Gender: Female
State: QLD
Known for: Jesselle PR
Jessie Larcombe’s brand appeal relies on the five senses. Certainly, hearing is paramount, because Jesselle PR keeps the Brisbane fashion community in the hum of media buzz.
Larcombe’s creative energy resonates from the outside in, promoting a sense of awe by designating her team members as superheroes. Her own superhuman strength? “I decided that my power was vision,” says the 27-year-old.
“I have the ability to look at a brand or business that no one sees potential in and create the most amazing things.”
A fixture at the annual Australian Fashion Week, the firm doubles as a fashion school and in-house brand and label producer for its clients.
While Larcombe is certainly a realist when it comes to revenues — pure passion doesn’t pay bills — she does think her vision is worth the cost of services.
And so, evidently, do clients, since Jesselle PR relies entirely on word-of-mouth advertising. “We connect emotionally, psychologically. These connections last a lifetime,” she says.
The results are multidimensional (and multisensual), she admits: “People get tattoos of our campaign messages on their body, which just blows me away.”
Anthill asks: Jessie Larcombe, what motivates you as an entrepreneur?
Challenge. We never take anything at face value, boundaries need to be pushed, mountains need to be climbed. Our business has evolved through my inability to stay in one place at one time. I get bored easily. I ask questions and develop our business in response.
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To check out the full list of Anthill’s 30under30 winners, click here.