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Diogo Mourato


Report shows that 65% of Australian businesses don’t have a website [and are falling...

MYOB Business Monitor latest research reveals that 65% of Australia businesses don't have a website, while more and more Australians are buying online. This means that Australian businesses risk losing a big share of the market to global competitors like Amazon.

Zygo’s football boots are ready to “deztruct” Australian sports

Zygo's boots are now available to be purchased in Australia. An Australian brand, Zygo was founded in 2004 by Con Hatzilias, a sports marketer. Zygo's boots have a special technology which enhances power, grip, spin and swerve.

The 6 greatest cybercrime scams and exploits of the last decade [How many caught...

In first place comes the MyDoom's mass infection. Damage caused by this worm is estimated to have exceeded $38 billion. Designed to send spam mails through infected computers, its first attack took place in 2004. It sent so much spam from computers worldwide that it slowed down the internet by 10%!

Freelancer survey reveals technology winners and losers for 2010 (PHP biggest winner; Microsoft biggest...

Online outsourcing marketplace (and Anthill Cool Company Award winner) Freelancer.com has released the results of its 2010 Freelancer Fast 50 index, an analysis of 320,000 online job postings, revealing the most (and least) popular technologies desired for freelance jobs in 2010, providing a barometer of technology trends.

Internet TV will soon overtake cable, Ovum predicts

Over the next five years, internet protocol TV (IPTV) is expected to grow, globally, at an annual rate of 24%, reaching 109 million households. But this number is still very far from the 573 million homes that cable TV is expected to reach by 2015, at a growth of 3% per year, predicts Ovum in its most recent report.

The NSW Government opens its $6 million program to “revitalise” ICT industry

The NSW Government has issued a call for applications for its $6 million Collaborative Solutions program. This first initiative in the program, called Mobile Concierge, focuses on mobile and wireless technologies in the tourism and retail sector.

The solution to global warning: Grow more plankton?

In a research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, a team of Australian, New Zealand and Belgian scientists explain how plankton could offer a solution to global warming.

Sonja Bernhardt to be awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia

Sonja Bernhardt, ThoughtWare Australia's CEO, was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia today for her contribution to the information technology industry.

The scrollwheel: The agony of watching others browse the web

When redditors come together many great things can happen. They can trash a video of the National Organization for Marriage or they can help a homeless man with a golden voice. This example ain’t nothing so fancy, but nevertheless proves that people can come together to give life to each other’s ideas.

Internet surpasses television as the main source of news for younger generations [STATISTICS]

The most recent report of The Pew Research Center for the People and Press reveals the internet has surpassed television as the main news source for American young adults between the ages of 18 and 29 years old. And this year, for the first time, the internet surpassed radio as the main source of news for Americans aged over 50, including the over 65 demographic.

Flood impact to be evaluated by CSIRO’s robotic glider

CSIRO will deploy a robotic glider to evaluate and monitor the impact of flood activity in Moreton Bay, on the eastern coast of Queensland. Its objective is to assess the damage done in the region's marine ecosystems.

500 interstate electricians to help in Queensland flood recovery

Over 500 electricians from all over Australia have joined the National Electric and Communications Association in a effort to help inspect more than 30,000 homes and businesses that were affected by the floods in Queensland.

Is broadband jargon too hard to understand? 91% of Australians think so.

Compare Broadband, a broadband comparison site, recently conducted a poll which showed that 91% of Australians think that the use of complex jargon by internet services providing companies makes choosing a broadband plan difficult.

EU tells member states not to cut on research and development

On the presentation of the first Annual Growth Survey the European Commission advised the member states not to cut on research and develpment nor education. It also set priorities and proposed ten actions to encourage economic growth.

What types of business will rise and fall in 2011? Is your industry among...

Business information analysts IBISWorld released a list of which Australian industries and sectors will rise and fall in the year of 2011. The organic farming industry is expected to be the number one growthe industry, while wired communications carriers are expected to make the biggest fall.
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Instagram for Business… in 12 steps [FREE INFOGRAPHIC]

This FREE INFOGRAPHIC will teach you how to effectively work through these restrictions to maximize the benefits of your business usage of Instagram.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...