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Tag: Website of the Week

Interesting hapenings on the World Wide Web.

Website of the Week: Deck of Secrets on the iPhone

A few months back, Matthews teamed up with software developer Shaun Ervive to turn the Deck of Secrets guides into iPhone applications.

Website of the Week: Webby Award winners announced

The winning websites and digital campaigns in this year's Webby Awards - dubbed the "Oscars for the Internet" - were announced last night.

Website(s) of the week: Students locked up until they built 6 web startups from...

The idea of locking a bunch of creative people in a room until they have hammered out a plan for a new business is not new. In fact, it's been done at Mixer events around the world for a number of years. But the concepts - which tends to engender a form of Stockholm Syndrome in entrepreneurs held hostage by market problems - always seems to churn out interesting formative business. They might not always go on to become the next Google, but the process illustrates the power of focused collaboration.

Website of the Week: Business Exchange

The real value in this new digital media landscape rests with networks and the ability to extract what is interesting and useful from the cacophony created online by pornographers, pontificators and penny-stock pushers. Last August, US business magazine BusinessWeek lifted the lid on Business Exchange, a social media initiative that it had been developing for two years.

Website of the Week: The Mobiler

This week, Gizmag launched The Mobiler, a sister site covering all things mobile. With the release of Apple's iPhone, Research In Motion's Blackberry Storm, Google's Android project and other cutting edge products, it's safe to say that mobile is hot right now.

Website of the Week: Let uberVU track conversations about you from all over the...

London-based uberVU is bringing order to the chaos with its conversation-tracking aggregation technology. Users enter a url they want uberVU to track (say, your blog url) and uberVU begins tracking everything published at that url (say, blog posts, comments and trackbacks), as well as conversations that kick off or fragment into the parallel universes of other blogs, Twitter, FriendFeed, YouTube, Flickr, Digg, etc. These conversation threads are aggregated into the uberVU tracking interface.

Website of the Week: Conspicuous wealth never goes out of fashion

Listening to everyone bang on about cost-cutting, home foreclosures and delayed retirements must be mighty wearying for the über rich. Fortunately, those who have more money than they know what to do with can leave the bear-with-a-toothache investment market alone for a while and indulge in several innovative new spending options.

More weird and wonderful business card designs

We're all for applying creativity with a dash of the absurd as a way to stand out from the crowd. And what better way to leave a lasting first impression on potential business contacts than handing them a business card that will makes them chuckle, gasp or drool with envy?

Website of the Week: Don't buy – save your cash and rent at Rentoid.com

While Rentoid contains the everyday items you'd expect to see listed (chainsaws, ladders, laptop computers, air conditioners, etc.) there are also some deliciously oddball items. You can rent an island, sports cars, private jets, a unicycle, a driveway, a full-size wrestling ring, an R2D2 projector, even a wife (listed in the "antique" category).

Website of the Week: Don’t buy – save your cash and rent at Rentoid.com

While Rentoid contains the everyday items you'd expect to see listed (chainsaws, ladders, laptop computers, air conditioners, etc.) there are also some deliciously oddball items. You can rent an island, sports cars, private jets, a unicycle, a driveway, a full-size wrestling ring, an R2D2 projector, even a wife (listed in the "antique" category).


Everybody loves transparency in government, right? Well, a US federal agency, called the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, has taken this hallowed principle to a...

Hate web ads? Now you can replace them with gallery art. But who's paying?

Now comes Add-Art, a Firefox plugin that not only blocks display ads but replaces them with curated art images. On first hearing about Add-Art I conjured a mental image of a zen-like, ad-free digital nirvana (angels singing, people dressed in white playing lutes, bunches of grapes scattered around). But don't expect Leonardo, Michelangelo, Caravaggio and Van Gogh.

Hate web ads? Now you can replace them with gallery art. But who’s paying?

Now comes Add-Art, a Firefox plugin that not only blocks display ads but replaces them with curated art images. On first hearing about Add-Art I conjured a mental image of a zen-like, ad-free digital nirvana (angels singing, people dressed in white playing lutes, bunches of grapes scattered around). But don't expect Leonardo, Michelangelo, Caravaggio and Van Gogh.

InnoCentive: The wisdom of lab crowds

The name - InnoCentive - sounds like it was manufactured in the crucible of an expensive, bureaucratic, innovation think-tank naming committee, but the site is incredibly impressive, efficient and market oriented.

The Top 150 Media and Marketing blogs

Everyone loves to start the new year with a full bag of fresh ideas. You don't need to spend a bomb on a consultant....

Mild comic relief from the market maelstrom

The Brokers With Hands on their Faces Blog contains photos, one after another, of stock brokers touching different parts of their faces as they watch on in disbelief at recent manic market machinations. The blog contains no words, for none are required. Amateur anthropologists with a wicked streak prefer their irony served raw.

Get productive. Start working on your “not-to-do” list.

The human desire to work more effectively pre-dates the pyramids. Entire forests have been razed in the production of roadmaps to boosting personal organisation...


Most people at one time or another have wished they could travel back in time to impart sage advice to their younger selves. While...

StumbleUpon gets its act together

Serendipitous discovery is one of the great joys of the web. Sure, standard search provides its share of satisfying conquest, but digital serendipity truly...
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How to expand into New Markets with Elsita Meyer-Brandt [CHEAT SHEET]

Most organisations begin with aspirations to start local, then grow global. But, in reality, very few ever take the big leap into new markets. In this Cheat Sheet, Elsita Meyer-Brandt, Head of Market Expansion and International Marketing for Eventbrite, shares five rules to help organisations, just like yours, expand into new markets.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...