Tag: ted talks
Get a glimpse of the future through the latest augmented reality headset [VIDEO]
With the Meta 2, an augmented reality headset that makes it possible for users to see, grab and move holograms just like physical objects, Meron Gribetz hopes to extend our senses through a more natural machine.
Leadership Lessons from the War on Terror: Boardroom or battlefield, the fundamentals don’t change....
Whatever your politics on the war in Afghanistan, there is no question that Retired US General Stanley McChrystal was, and remains, a very successful leader. He reveals, in this TED talk, uncommon insight into the realities of modern leadership. Boardroom or battlefield, some things remain the same regardless of the setting.
How to create the perfect TED Talk
Be it persuasive, ingenius, fascinating, inspiring or jaw-dropping, there's no denying the riveting value of TED Talks -- and it's no secret that the Anthill crew are fans. Well, have you ever thought of what it would be like to deliver the perfect, audience grabbing talk? Here's how it's done.
Seth Godin asks us to lead a tribe and make a difference [TED talk]
Over 18-minutes, Godin outlines his theory that the internet has banished the era of mass marketing, and that the ancient social unit of the tribe has returned, empowering ordinary people to lead extraordinary movements. It's both educational and inspirational, with Godin conveying his message with purpose and humour (helped along by some witty photo slides).
iPhone app review: TED Talks
Do you know TED? TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design and refers to a conference that has taken place in California every February for the past 25 years.
Alain de Botton on work and happiness
English author Alan de Botton is, as they say, good on his feet. In this interesting TED talk delivered recently in Oxford, England, de Botton muses on the impact work has on our identity and happiness.
Dan Gilbert: Why are we happy? Why aren't we happy?
You might think you know what makes you happy... or unhappy. But this 20-minute talk by social psychologist Dan Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness, is sure to challenge your assumptions.
Dan Gilbert: Why are we happy? Why aren’t we happy?
You might think you know what makes you happy... or unhappy. But this 20-minute talk by social psychologist Dan Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness, is sure to challenge your assumptions.