Tag: stephen sammartino
Startup School scrapes attendee tweets to create eBook
What I personally found so interesting about this item of digital media is that it was created by the crowd and assembled by attendees (or one particularly passionate attendee in particular). And, despite having not attended the event, I suspect that it is more helpful than most of the glossy 'take homes' I find shoved in most 'goodie-bags' post most conferences.
Who are the 100 most influential business people in Australia? No one I’d rate.
It's probably the many hours I've spent over the past week researching (and rabble rousing) in aid of our annual Dumb Report, but I couldn't help reading Fairfax's Top 100 Most Influential People with more than the usual requisite amount of cynicism.
Who are the 100 most influential business people in Australia? No one I'd rate.
It's probably the many hours I've spent over the past week researching (and rabble rousing) in aid of our annual Dumb Report, but I couldn't help reading Fairfax's Top 100 Most Influential People with more than the usual requisite amount of cynicism.
The future of business isn’t ‘Free’ – it’s ‘Re’
Green is über cool. If you want to get the key influencers and mavens of society into your product, then it better do the world some good. Being shiny isn’t enough these days. It’s got to be circular, real and authentic.
The future of business isn’t 'Free' – it’s 'Re'
Green is über cool. If you want to get the key influencers and mavens of society into your product, then it better do the world some good. Being shiny isn’t enough these days. It’s got to be circular, real and authentic.
Free is not a business model
Quite simply, any business without a revenue-generation model won’t exist over time. We only need look at the dot-com bust of the late 1990s to see this reality.
The real question in the so-called ‘Freeconomy’ is how many businesses can be supported by the advertising sales model? Why the idea of ‘Free’ is being touted as new is beyond me.
The four elements for start-up success
I was thinking about business and at what point it becomes possible to believe you have a good chance of winning. I came to the conclusion that four elements pave the way to start-up success.
Being the MVP
Footballers (or any sports people) have good form and bad form. Some are heroes and play to their optimum every single game. Some are inconsistent but sometimes brilliant. And others just fill the numbers. As entrepreneurs, we should aim to be like the footballer... not just a footballer in the league, but the Most Valuable Player - the MVP.