Tag: RPL
A third of women are confident in returning to work after giving birth –...
Confidence steadily decreases as women age and the biggest insecurities they have about returning to work relate to balancing work and family commitments and whether their skills and knowledge are up-to-date.
An overnight career change turned this guy into a multimillion dollar entrepreneur
Adam Wadi successfully switched careers overnight using RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning), now owns multimillion dollar business, Get Qualified Australia
Meet Churchill Education, Anthill 2012 Cool Company Award Finalist [X-Factor Category]
After 16 years as a police officer, Randall Smith, co-founder of Churchill Education, was forced to leave his former career due to post-traumatic stress disorder. He and his wife/co-founder Tricia Velthuizen. Forged a pact to get well at all costs. The positive outgrowth of the life-altering situation is manifested in Churchill Education, Australia's number one authority in the field of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).