Tag: Roger La Salle
Opportunity Capture: is it just for the big boys?
Imagine your company sold just one sole product and yet managed to be successfulin a competitive market. It's a true story! How can you pull ahead and dominate your competitors? For starters, look at opportunity capture: accept that there is no product, process or service in the world that cannot in some way be innovated.
The power of many: How to engage your staff to find solutions and innovate!
A linked network of computers can create a virtual super computer, while social networks and open-source models often present problems to the wider community in the hope that they may proffer a solution. The lesson being: the power of many is greater than that of the individual.
Still waiting for a return on your innovation investment? Find the low-hanging fruit!
In his previous article, Roger La Salle challenged innovation practitioners to examine the rate of return on their innovation investment. Here, he explains how to set a time scale to obtain this return: "If you can have an early win with innovation then you can be sure more budget will be forthcoming and still greater achievements can be obtained." To find the low-hanging fruit (and the lowest risk) for your startup, the best place to begin is with Process Innovation.
Why Innovation (with a capital ‘I’) is not essential to long term success
Rear vision is a wonderful thing, but if you look at the history of disruptive pioneers you will find the path littered with the corpses of those who dared to be first with disruptions but failed, as is so often the case. The problem is that these pioneers are seldom heard from.
Why Innovation (with a capital 'I') is not essential to long term success
Rear vision is a wonderful thing, but if you look at the history of disruptive pioneers you will find the path littered with the corpses of those who dared to be first with disruptions but failed, as is so often the case. The problem is that these pioneers are seldom heard from.
Innovation? Invention? Opportunity Capture? What’s the difference?
Many businesses challenged by the need to change have embraced ‘creativity’ as a change medium. But what does this really mean? And can it be systematically applied to a business?
Innovation? Invention? Opportunity Capture? What's the difference?
Many businesses challenged by the need to change have embraced ‘creativity’ as a change medium. But what does this really mean? And can it be systematically applied to a business?
There’s actually only one way to build a business
Business is best defined as: “Creating wealth through profitable transactions.” I came to this definition many years ago after winning a job as General Manager of a medium-sized company and later boasting to a friend that revenue had increased threefold under my guidance. “Great,” he said, “but what about profit?”
This was a great question.
The best innovation requires you to loosen your grip
Have you ever worked in a company where the boss or your manager hoards information? Unfortunately, this is not all that uncommon. The old saying goes that "Knowledge is Power", and those who are insecure in their abilities or feel threatened by those around them try to remain in control by hording information.
Creativity vs Innovation – A fool’s dilemma
To succeed, innovation needs to be more than a nebulous desire to foster creativity in an organisation. It needs to be a concrete business process driven from the top. Roger La Salle explains.
How to capture good ideas every time
With so much information flying around these days, it’s easy for good ideas to slip through the net. Roger La Salle highlights the importance of trawling deep and wide.
What’s your innovation trajectory
If you can plot the evolutionary trajectory in any given sector, it should be much easier to figure out what's next – and then build the next innovation, leaving others in your wake. History is brimming with examples, writes Roger La Salle.
Boost cashflow by reducing your cycle time
Many businesses fail despite having customers lined up around the block. The reason? They grow too fast. If you have a long cycle time between order and payment, chances are you’re used to cashflow crises. It’s time to reduce your cycle time.
Innovation Factories
IDEO: Masters of Innovation
Jeremy Myerson
Lawrence King Publishing
The year was 1982. US magazine, Design, had asked one of its writers, Jeremy Myerson, to visit a...