Tag: Renee Hancock
Australian businesses plead… ‘Trust me’
One way to insulate your business from the broader fluctuations of the economy is to build customer trust. Here are some ideas to get you started...
Don’t overlook the value of referral marketing
What's the fastest way to generate new business without spending a fortune? How can you develop a targeted list of potential clients that have a need for your product or service? Do you need to improve your conversion of potential clients into new clients? It's time to think about referral marketing.
Don't overlook the value of referral marketing
What's the fastest way to generate new business without spending a fortune? How can you develop a targeted list of potential clients that have a need for your product or service? Do you need to improve your conversion of potential clients into new clients? It's time to think about referral marketing.
The dangers of discounting in a downturn
It might seem logical to discount during an economic downturn. You need to boost sales and attract new customers. And customers are tightening their belts and shopping around for the best price. But is discounting the best option over the long-term?
Building an online community
Are you looking for instant customer feedback and ideas to improve your product or service? What about a free focus group with a targeted...
Don’t forget the customer
Consumers are overloaded with information, choices and marketing. If you want to ensure that your marketing efforts are being applied effectively, shift your marketing...
Marketing: Customer satisfaction
Customer satisfaction can help your business to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. It's about understanding the way a customer feels after purchasing a product...
Marketing: First-mover advantage – or is it?
Being the first mover can offer some advantages but does it determine a company's success?
Marketing: The media interview
Don't be caught unprepared if a journalist calls your office requesting an interview. Preparation is the difference between good publicity and bad publicity. Here are some simple things you can do to maximise the outcomes of a media interview.
Marketing: what's the buzz all about?
It's a concept that has taken on many names in recent times, including buzz marketing, viral marketing, word-of-mouth, word-of-mouse and stealth marketing. Whatever you call it, the concept is simple: using customers to create a conversation about a product or service.
Marketing: what’s the buzz all about?
It's a concept that has taken on many names in recent times, including buzz marketing, viral marketing, word-of-mouth, word-of-mouse and stealth marketing. Whatever you call it, the concept is simple: using customers to create a conversation about a product or service.
Marketing: directly target your marketing efforts
Direct marketing is a form of advertising that requires a direct response from the consumer. This includes mail, catalogues, advertising, telemarketing, direct selling and email initiatives that are delivered directly to the individual.
Marketing: Presenting with impact
Public speaking is a core business skill that's often not taught in any business course. Many people avoid public speaking and don't understand the importance of using presentations to help build their business. Here are some tips to help you plan and deliver a presentation with impact.
Marketing: Know your customers
Have you ever wondered why customers might say one thing and then behave in a totally different manner?
One of the most challenging tasks for...
Marketing: The write stuff
With emails filling our inboxes every day, why not try the traditional business letter to attract the attention of your reader?
One of the most...
Marketing: Writing a winning media release
Writing a winning media release
So, your media release didn’t get published. The first question you should ask yourself is – is it newsworthy?
Publicity is...
Marketing: The secrets to web success
How does your website fit into your overall marketing strategy? If you don't know, then it's time to review your online activities.
When the Internet...
Marketing: The art of giving
Could the art of giving be the key to boosting your sales, motivating your employees and enhancing your market position? According to a US...