Tag: project management
Meet the startup that is taking the Hassl out of business offices
Less than a year since the software’s beta launch Melbourne-based agency Your Creative this month launched Hassl Business in over 50 countries.
The next evolution of the cloud will see businesses say goodbye to their servers
The main benefit of a private cloud is the provision of shared IT resources across multiple applications and/or locations, which contribute directly to increased productivity and bottom line cost benefits.
Good news! Here is the truth about the price, speed, and quality dilemma
It’s a phrase we’ve all encountered in the service industries: Price, speed, quality: pick two.
But, is this always true when it comes to delivering...
What startups can teach project managers (Execute or die!)
Unless you're involved in a startup, it's unlikely that you work in a highly adaptable organisation where change is normal and built into everything you do. In fast growth companies, founders, investors and staff plan on change. It is one of their greatest strengths and allows disruptive companies to topple larger competitors. But the sad fact is that, for the majority of us, this is not our reality.