Tag: PayPal
How to build your online business in 28 days, without super powers or magic...
If you have ever attempted to start your own online business, or any website for that matter, then you must be all too familiar...
Breaking up is hard to do but, our toxic love affair with passwords must...
Most people have experienced a toxic relationship that they have stayed in too long. So I am sorry, I am going to be that interfering friend that tells you to: "Ditch your passwords. You deserve better!"
The 6-step guide to SME success this silly season
The weeks leading up to Christmas may be demanding for shoppers, but they’re even more so for business owners and their staff. Now is the perfect time to plan for this busy period to increase the likelihood of a successful and happy selling season.
New survey says mobile devices are changing the sales game
Australian consumers, much like those in other regions of the world, are making the shift mobile shopping in rapid leaps, according to a recent announcement by PayPal/Ebay. The emergence of new, portable devices is working hand in hand with an increase in behavioural shift on the part of consumers.
Digital disruption: 50% of Aussie economy on short fuse, 2/3rds face big bang
Digital disruption continues its inexorable march in many newer ways, and in many cases might even be gaining further pace. That, as much as the fact that most research has ducked estimating the “projected magnitude of disruption,” has led Deloitte to come up with a sweeping study (“Digital disruption – Short fuse, big bang?) of digital disruption on the Australian economy as a whole, not to mention individual sectors
Another blow to Australian online retail. For shoppers without borders, the U.K. beckons.
Ever since the Australian dollar attained parity with its American equivalent 16 months ago, the market dynamic has transformed. Besides its fundamental impact on the broader Australian economy, it has led to changes in consumer behavior as foreign goods became cheaper. It opened up the floodgates for imports, giving rise to specialised sites such as Online Shopping USA that help Australians navigate the tricky global online shopping market.
A new “Instant Deals” platform in Sydney wants to make group buying obsolete. Can...
A location-aware platform, Spreedle will allow businesses to target buyers in their vicinity and set their own schedules for posting digital vouchers, deciding for how long and for how many customers the deal is valid. Can this Sydney start-up make a splash in the Groupon market?
How retailers are changing up their operations to meet the online shopping demand [PODCAST]
In this podcast, Adrian Christie of PayPal Australia talks to Leon and Garry about the exponential rise of online shopping in Australia. With growth rates as high as 400% in the past year, Christie presents his analysis of how thousands of businesses, large and small, are adjusting their retail operations to meet this growing trend.
Big retail is stinging. Could the banks be next?
Innovation is the lifeblood of Australia. But what is it with the banks? They claim to 'talk expert solutions', 'live in your world' and even 'dare to be different'. But when it comes to innovation, our big banks have been laggards in technology adoption. They now face market share erosion by non-bank, global players, such as PayPal and systems managed by retailer Amazon and Google.