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When imitation flatters but undermines: 4 insider tips to beat counterfeit pirates

Relentless years of hard work and sleepless nights lift new brands and businesses off the ground. When copycats steal your ideas it’s heartbreaking. But with a little insider knowledge you can beat the counterfeiters.

Stop! Thief! How to protect your business ideas (plus, your patents, trademarks and copyrights)

Poor, poor entrepreneurs. No sooner have they had the Best. Idea. Ever, then they start fretting that someone’s going to thieve it. Other than never telling another living, breathing soul about your plans, there are several ways to protect your business model, invention or confidential information.

Can you buy insurance for your ideas?

A company will generally not think twice about protecting its physical and tangible assets through insurance premiums. For example, premiums may be...

Australia’s innovation ranking takes another hit while entrepreneurs rally

There are numerous programs and indexes launched each year to assess a country's innovation capabilities. Among the most comprehensive and credible is the Global Innovation Index prepared by INSEAD, which last week released its 2009-2010 report, revealing some unexpected outcomes. According to the report, Australia is losing its way as a country supportive of innovation. However, its innovation outputs are on the rise.

Australia's innovation ranking takes another hit while entrepreneurs rally

There are numerous programs and indexes launched each year to assess a country's innovation capabilities. Among the most comprehensive and credible is the Global Innovation Index prepared by INSEAD, which last week released its 2009-2010 report, revealing some unexpected outcomes. According to the report, Australia is losing its way as a country supportive of innovation. However, its innovation outputs are on the rise.

How much does it really cost to protect your intellectual property rights?

Most people have a vague understanding of the various types of intellectual property rights, but few know exactly which rights relate to them and even fewer know how much this will cost. This new series takes readers through the ins and outs of intellectual property rights protection specifically for knowledge-economy businesses.

Australia’s vanishing clean coal opportunity

If we are to defend and improve our competitive standing as a first-tier global economy, Australia needs to invest heavily in the development of...

Australia's vanishing clean coal opportunity

If we are to defend and improve our competitive standing as a first-tier global economy, Australia needs to invest heavily in the development of...
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New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...