Tag: made to stick
Demonstrating value to your clients [PODCAST]
PreneurCast is a business podcast. Each week, author and marketer Pete Williams and digital media producer Dom Goucher discuss entrepreneurship, business, internet marketing and...
Can we send you business bestseller Made to Stick? [PROMOTION]
Why is this book upside-down? Because it turned our view on marketing on its head. We’re sending 10 copies of Dan and Heath Chip’s bestseller Made to Stick to the the next 10 readers to...
Is your idea sticky? Making your message memorable.
Is it true that we only use 10% of our brains? No, yet many believe it. Remember the tale of the guy waking up in a bath of ice with a missing kidney after accepting a drink from an attractive stanger in a hotel bar? Well, it actually never happened. Heath Chip has studied many of the legends that seem to draw us in so that he can apply their common traits to create messages that will break through the mass of ideas we're confronted by every day and stay lodged in our heads.