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A comprehensive guide on how to go about SEO on WordPress – keywords and...

WordPress and SEO-these two terms are gradually taking over the Internet in the context of an era when rank-based profit is growing an insane popularity.

Do you really want to stuff up your LinkedIn profile? Here’s some advice: don’t...

There’s a really annoying trend that seems to have emerged lately where people have stuffed their LinkedIn profiles full of keywords -- kind of like the early black hat cowboy days of SEO. Keyword stuffing makes you look desperate for attention. If everyone does this it becomes a race to the bottom to get up to the top.

Location, location, location! What Google’s new shake-up means to your business [and 4 steps...

When a searcher types a keyword that has a location modifier in the search term, Google now gives a lot more real estate to businesses with a Google Places (or Google Maps) listing. If you are a business that has solely focused your efforts on organic rankings, now is the time to list yourself for Google Maps, or claim your listing if it already exists. Here are four ways to take advantage of this new Google trend.

If these six phrases sound familiar, SEO is not for you.

One of the most misunderstood areas of online marketing is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). The main aim of SEO is often forgotten: to build traffic from your target audience and increase action on your website. If you understand this, you’re off to a good start. But if your attitude is, “I want to rank first NOW!” you may want to quit while you’re ahead.

How a small fry can dominate Google

At some point, many small businesses feel stuck – stuck behind a larger competitor with resources that far outstrips their own. All is not lost though because, according to Fiona Mackenzie, these businesses are prime candidates to turn to the Internet which offers a level playing field and where a small one-man band can be bigger than Goliath. Start with thinking small, she tells Anthill.

Six ways to spy on your online competitors (without getting caught)

Forget wearing that balaclava and rummaging through rubbish bins. These days the Internet makes sneaking around, gathering your competitive intelligence, super-easy to do. Fiona Mackenzie offers up six insider secrets to get you started.
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5 Ways to get more out of your coffee shop meetings...

Far too much time is wasted in coffee shop meetings. More often than not, the conversation falls off topic, interruptions cause distractions and, before you know it, the meeting is over and you’ve achieved nothing. That’s what Antony Gaddie calls a Coffee and Doughnut meeting. You get a coffee and… zero. He’s the founder of Green Ant Marketing and he shared with us (over coffee) five things that you can do to help you make the most of your coffee shop meetings.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...