Tag: index
BizExchange Index says private company values going wonky
Bad news just in from BizExchange: it seems that private company values are on the fritz, According to the BizExchange Index, fiscal reporting for the second-quarter of 2012 shows an increased number of failed businesses, while the number of businesses put up for sale dipped slightly over the first-quarter. In short, it looks like gloom and doom are in the forecast.
New index reveals that private equity and venture capital beat traditional stocks for investor...
According to a new report, the Australian private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC) industries generated attractive returns over a one, three and five year period, as of June 2010, in comparison to traditional stock indexes.
Australia ranks 10th in world for ease of doing business [STATISTICS]
How easy is it to do business in Australia? Apparently, it's easier than doing it in Germany, Japan and Portugal. And it's a damn sight easier than in Argentina or the Solomon Islands. That's the assessment by The World Bank and the International Finance Corporation in their latest rankings of the world's economies. On the other hand, Australia crawled in at 63rd for "dealing with construction permits" and 59th for "protecting investors". Ouch!