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Tag: Hub Melbourne

Co-working is changing how we work. Will it work for your startup?

You know that feeling you get when you’re excited to go to work in a cool space with passionate people. You don't? Then you must not be working in a co-working space.

Australia’s most ‘remarkable’ companies go wild at the 7th annual Cool Company Awards

The Coolest Company accolade was awarded to app developer Budge for creating a way to make gaming meaningful. “When is losing fun? When charities win,” said Tuckerman.

Minister Brendan O’Connor calls on the ‘Future of Work’

Is coworking the 'future of work'? Brendan O'Connor, the Minister for Small Business believes it may be the case. Melbourne Hub, one of many coworking spaces, is one example of how these environments attract companies both large and small. Is coworking the next step in mobile, 'knowmadic' workforce?
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How To Grow Your Business and Profits with Jason Cunningham [CHEAT...

Recorded guerrilla-style in the basement of York Butter Factory, the linked video course is a rollicking, authoritative lesson (with some colourful language, mind you) from someone who has been through it all. In this Cheat Sheet, we cover three hot tips from the lesson, with a focus on helping business owners grow and increase profitability: Why entrepreneurs need to think about “the end," why cash flow is king – no matter what you’ve heard, and why you need to have a vision for success.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...