Tag: gfc
3 key things that have helped me survive the roller coaster that is entrepreneurial...
The best advice for those keen to chart their own path and chase their dreams is to be brave, to back yourself and to seek the best education you can to propel yourself into the business world.
Timing is everything: How the GFC bred one of Australia’s most successful video production...
While many businesses were reeling during the GFC, a pair of entrepreneurs managed to build one of Australia’s most successful video production businesses
Is crossing the Rubicon that difficult? It’s high time fintech and banks joined hands
The convergence of fintech and traditional banks is imminent but overdue, writes Andrew Colliver, CEO of Banjo Loans, a new online lending platform for SMEs
Candid confession: Australia’s ‘Mad Men’ aren’t cool. Not by a long shot
It is a truth we could have lived without. But now that it’s out, we might as well take another hard look at “The Dream Merchants,” as novelist Harold Robbins dubbed the advertising industry decades ago. Admen and boring? Not to mention uncool. It so takes the glamour off but that is the unvarnished truth, according to a survey by The Source, the Australian guide to advertisers and creative agencies.
Small, savvy & self-funded: The 3S formula of your typical Australian start-up
Have you ever wondered what drives our entrepreneurs? Why they become entrepreneurs in the first place?
Entrepreneurship is bouncing back after GFC and Australians are more entrepreneurial than most
Among developed countries, Australia’s rate of entrepreneurship is second only to the United States, with 10.5% of the population engaged in some form of entrepreneurial activity. In terms of gender inclusiveness, too, it is second only behind the world’s richest country. But at 8.4% women entrepreneurs, the number is down from 2010 levels.
Why are CEOs world over worried about the future of their businesses?
Australian CEOs are sceptical about the next six months. Many were doubtful that overall business and economic conditions would improve by the end of the year. Less than a third (31%) thought they would be better in six months’ time, while almost one in four (22%) thought they would get worse.
Shape up, bosses, or your talent will ship out (and other workplace tips for...
Many Australian companies don’t even provide regular feedback to their staff, let alone have a formal employee development program. This is a costly mistake. As busy managers give less and less time to developing their people, companies are losing the very employees they need to succeed in the long term.
Australian companies’ payment behaviour reveals unnerving pattern: Is our economy really recovering?
According to the latest trade payments analysis by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B), the payment terms of Australian firms have risen for the third consecutive quarter.
Australian companies' payment behaviour reveals unnerving pattern: Is our economy really recovering?
According to the latest trade payments analysis by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B), the payment terms of Australian firms have risen for the third consecutive quarter.
I survived the GFC by ignoring it
When I started my business I knew it had to grow from a foundation of personal contact and referrals. To do this people said I had to network. This scared the crap out of me.
The next person who says the R word is getting slapped
This is the greatest time in history and a large portion of the business world seems to be off somewhere missing it, with their heads in the sand. Stop it. Get on board, embrace the economic climate and celebrate the opportunities around you!
Now is the time to lay the foundations for export success
It is easy to feel intimidated at the moment. It takes strength of character to weather the critics and follow your dreams. There are many choices available to cancel out the prevailing business sentiment. For example, looking for a new market overseas to sell into.