Tag: Gen Z
2020 vision: Here are 5 key trends that are shaping the Aussie retail industry...
Australia's retail industry, like the rest of the world, is going through a period of uncertainty and challenges. And so far 2020 has brought little relief for the struggling retail market, as evidenced by many big-box retailers shutting down shops or downsizing their operations to mitigate the economic downturn.
The Honesty-Pride Paradox in startup pitching and three simple steps to avoid it!
You are pitching
your business, the brainchild to which you have dedicated blood, sweat, tears
and a majority of your time. You are wanting...
Australia’s Gen Z is eager to find success as creative and social entrepreneurs
Gen Z rank starting a social media-based business as the best pathway to success, followed by networking or launching a start-up, according to the second chapter of NAB’s whitepaper, Rethink Success.