Why 2010 is the perfect year to start a company
In this fast and furious clip, filmed at the Churchill Club's 11th Annual Top 10 Tech Trends event in California last month, Steve Jurvetson is given two and a half minutes to explain why he thinks the future looks bright for 'disruptive' startup companies.
Pablos Holman explains what entrepreneurs can learn from hackers
Pablos Holman is a self-proclaimed hacker who has worked on numerous ambitious technology projects from inventing spaceships to developing the world's smallest portable fully operational computer devices. In this talk at the recent second World Entrepreneurship Day, he delves into the psychology of the hacker and reveals that, similar to entrepreneurs, it is their mindset of 'discovery' that is crucial to invention and innovation.
How to profit from creative passion (the Tom Selby way)
Tom Selby is a photographer. He has been commisioned to shoot by the likes of Vogue Paris and the almuni of his subjects includes such household names as Helena Christensen, Tom Wolfe and Björn Borg. What is unusual and inspiring is that he has managed to profit enormously from his website without the use of any any advertising or sponsorship. In this video he explains how he did it.
George Kembel on how to awaken creativity
In this Fora.tv video, George Kembel, Stanford University's design guru, delivers his creative take on the concept of creativity and the way more people should be approaching it. Interesting stuff.