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Tag: Federal Government

Are the federal budget initiatives for SMEs really what the small businesses wanted?

The federal government released its budget with some initiatives that were targeted at small and medium enterprises (SMEs). However,...

Aussie start-up organisations unite to respond to review of the R&D Tax Incentive

StartupAUS, supported by FinTech Australia, StartupWA, StartupTas, TechSydney, Startup Adelaide and Startup Victoria, proposes recommendations to the Federal Government review that would see the scheme enhance its investment in innovative, high-growth businesses.

StartupAUS launches new report on how we can boost innovation in Australia

StartupAUS, Australia's peak advocacy group for start-ups, recently released its report on the outcomes of the Federal Government's innovation Policy Hack.

Near-record SME dissatisfaction with government, according to MYOB report

If the latest MYOB Business Monitor is anything to go by, the Federal Government shouldn’t be basking in the warm glow of a job well done post-Federal Budget. Before state governments go getting their smug on, the MYOB report showed SMEs perceived their performance in an equally dismal light.

Ethical food advocates demand ACCC investigate Coles and Woolworths. Are farmers and families being...

Australian local food pioneers Food Connect and CERES Fair Food have joined with the National Farmers Federation to call on the ACCC to break up Australia's supermarket duopoly and ensure a more just, equitable and sustainable food future for Australian families.

Federal Government just “reshuffling the deck cards” on grant funding?

Amidst the heated rhetoric over taxes and the best way to achieve a surplus, one area of the budget may be getting overlooked: grants. According to one agency, "the budget seems to be a reshuffling exercise aimed at incurring no additional expense. Even programs cut last budget are counted as savings again, without much to replace them."

The politics of the carbon tax: will compensation make a difference?

In this podcast, Sinclair Davidson presents his take on how the carbon tax could impact the economy. He characterises the tax as a ploy designed to change behaviour rather than generate revenue and questions the Government's proposed compensation to offset cost of living increases.

Insolvency and turnaround: Is your company in danger of becoming insolvent?

As I recently noted, troubled businesses that wait too long to seek financial help end up hurting the Australian economy – to the tune of $13 billion every year. Fortunately, turnaround specialists are committed to insolvency prevention by returning troubled companies to profitability and financial stability. Here's how to make sure you're alert to the warning signs and know when to call for help.

Malcolm Turnbull explains the Opposition’s case against the NBN

In this week's Talking Business interview, Leon and Garry speak with Liberal MP Malcolm Turnbull, former Opposition leader and current shadow spokesman for telecommunications and broadband. He criticises the Government’s plan for the National Broadband Network as too expensive and lacking in any cost-benefit analysis. Calling the NBN an effective monopoly that will make any competition impossible, Mr. Turnbull endorses incremental improvements to the existing network as a fiscally responsible policy.

Lower inflation, unemployment targets bode well for government

RMIT economist Sinclair Davidson says the Federal government has dodged a bullet with inflation. He says we are now looking at 4.5% unemployment and praises the Federal Government and coalition now bidding to lower corporate taxes.

A quarter of Aussie SMEs ill-prepared for Government's Fair Work changes

A recent study revealed that one in four Australian SMEs were either inadequately prepared or not well informed about the Federal Government's new Fair Work industrial relations laws.

A quarter of Aussie SMEs ill-prepared for Government’s Fair Work changes

A recent study revealed that one in four Australian SMEs were either inadequately prepared or not well informed about the Federal Government's new Fair Work industrial relations laws.

Commercialisation Australia CEO announced

After months of speculation, Innovation Minister Senator Kim Carr today announced that the new CEO of Commercialisation Australian will be entrepreneur and venture capitalist, Doron Ben-Meir.

The proposed Australian R&D tax reforms… Do they walk the talk?

Inconsistency is what most influences an organisation's decision to invest in R&D and the extent of its R&D investment. This is because a company cannot budget and minimise risk if it does now know the extent to which it is likely to be eligible for a tax concession. The proposed reforms to the R&D tax concession not only conflict with their stated purpose but offer no consistency to organisations already engaged in the complex task of commercialising innovation... whether novel or risky.

The proposed Australian R&D tax reforms… Do they walk the talk?

Inconsistency is what most influences an organisation's decision to invest in R&D and the extent of its R&D investment. This is because a company cannot budget and minimise risk if it does now know the extent to which it is likely to be eligible for a tax concession. The proposed reforms to the R&D tax concession not only conflict with their stated purpose but offer no consistency to organisations already engaged in the complex task of commercialising innovation... whether novel or risky.

Public feedback sought for proposed Federal R&D Tax Concession changes

As part of the Federal Government’s dramatic overhaul of its commercialisation program, now called Commercialisation Australia, the R&D Tax Concession will replace the R&D Tax Credit from 1 July, 2010.

Public feedback sought for proposed Federal R&D Tax Concession changes

As part of the Federal Government’s dramatic overhaul of its commercialisation program, now called Commercialisation Australia, the R&D Tax Concession will replace the R&D Tax Credit from 1 July, 2010.

Bionic Eye within sight for Monash following Federal grant

Just prior to Christmas, Senator Kim Carr, Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, announced that Monash V1sion had been awarded grant assistance from the Australian Research Council to develop the Bionic Eye.

Australia’s latest supercomputer project launched at ANU

Senator Kim Carr, Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, today officially launched a new research supercomputer facility, located at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra.

Australia's latest supercomputer project launched at ANU

Senator Kim Carr, Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, today officially launched a new research supercomputer facility, located at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra.
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Plenty of recruitment agencies have tallied the numbers and found that the average dud hire will cost an organisation between $50,000 and $70,000, factoring...



New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...