Tag: exercise
This start-up from Bondi Beach has set out to make running and cycling at...
Marketing executive Ari Segal started a half marathon training regime in 2013. While running at night was the most practical option for his busy work...
The best kind of meeting is one that doesn’t kill you [VIDEO]
Right now, what you are doing, is probably killing you. It's killing me as I write this article. All I am doing is sitting down. And, it's killing me.
Eco and person friendly wheel with smarts
With the world's environmental attention firmly focused on the emmison-cutting wrangling taking place at COP15, it couldn't have been a better opportunity for the brains from the SENSEable City Lab at MIT to showcase their eco-friendly 'smart' innovation -- the Copenhagen Wheel.
Time for a face workout
Watching infomercials requires a suspension of disbelief, which is ok because we usually view them at 3am, half-asleep with chip crumbs scattered across our chests. But this product is enough to rouse any weary consumer from the couch, if only to figure what the makers were thinking.