Tag: edward de mono
There’s never been a safer time to live on the planet
The world is living through an unprecedented phenomenon, the decline of War, according to Edward Luttwak, former advisor to the White House Chief of Staff, who will be one of 35 speakers Melbourne this September for the inaugural Creative Innovation 2010 conference.
There's never been a safer time to live on the planet
The world is living through an unprecedented phenomenon, the decline of War, according to Edward Luttwak, former advisor to the White House Chief of Staff, who will be one of 35 speakers Melbourne this September for the inaugural Creative Innovation 2010 conference.
Michael Hewitt-Gleeson, School of Thinking
He worked with Edward De Bono teaching people to think, but Michael Hewitt-Gleeson has moved on from selling hats. He studied under George Gallup, but is now creating, rather than measuring, 'word of mouth'. He is a bestselling author, public speaker and 'paradigm-shifter'. This month, we honour Michael Hewitt-Gleeson as 'The Anthillian'.