Tag: death
Even after we pop our clogs, we can live forever online
Here's a cheerful thought: Every minute, three Facebook users worldwide go bung. Pop their clogs. Put on a pine overcoat. And what happens then to those Facebook accounts? Indeed, what happens to all of those accounts for social engagement, email, online dating and online gaming?
Submitted for your entertainment: the 24 funniest ways to die
We feel compelled to counsel you that the content of this graphic -- a menu of some of the funniest deaths on record -- requires a lively sense of humor. So proceed as you will, and take solace in the fact that these poor sods' cringe-worthy expirations gave others a measure of joy.
New website encourages Australians to look death squarely in the eye
A new Australian website called WrappingUp.com applies social networking and information-portal tools to that one great certainty in our lives -- death. The site encourage people to be pro-active about managing end-of-life affairs.