Tag: cybercrime
New scam turns online job-seekers into unwitting money-launderers (LinkedIn used to recruit ‘money-mules’)
A new, nefarious twist on cybercrime is turning innocent jobs seekers into unwitting money-launderers. "The bad guys monitor legitimate job boards and recruitment websites, such as LinkedIn, and harvest personal information from job posts or resumes."
The 6 greatest cybercrime scams and exploits of the last decade [How many caught...
In first place comes the MyDoom's mass infection. Damage caused by this worm is estimated to have exceeded $38 billion. Designed to send spam mails through infected computers, its first attack took place in 2004. It sent so much spam from computers worldwide that it slowed down the internet by 10%!
Cisco says cybercriminals are shifting to mobile platforms, and spam volumes are down (for...
In a major turning point in cybercrime, scammers have begun to shift their focus from Windows-based PCs to smaller operating systems and platforms, such as smart phones and tablets, according to Cisco's annual security report. Plus, spam volumes are down, for the first year ever!
Research: Smart phones and dumb employees are a toxic mix
Smart phones have brought both the world and the office to the palm and pocket, enabling increased productivity for the workforce on the move. However, this new-found freedom has exposed a mountain of previously secure company information to the threat of theft and destruction at the hands of cyber criminals.