Tag: customer
How to put together a great start-up pitch for the next potential investor you...
While Bill highlighted that this was an effective framework to use, he stressed that it was a guideline only and that other pitch structures can be just as effective.
Employees first, customers second – here’s how to make the most of the greatest...
Vineet Nayar shares at least 8 simple ideas that can do wonders to your Employee Engagement scores and ensure happiness, passion and growth.
These five customers drive business owners crazy! However, there’s a remedy for each one…
The ideal and, most valuable, customers are ones who are loyal to a brand, willing to spend more than the minimum dollar value and...
Do you have perfect timing? The success of your business may just depend on...
Good timing can turn a mediocre product into a breakout success; bad timing can destroy an otherwise successful career.
In business, timing is everything....
Your customer is always right. Are you?
You might think that your product or service is the best in the world, but you might also need your head read. Market research is one of the best ways to get into the minds of customers. And it's no longer the expensive and exclusive domain of big corporates. Hell, you don't even need a clipboard! Jodie O'Keeffe reports.