Tag: corporate
It’s all Greek to me: How world events affect Australian small business budgets
With recent focus on world events, many small- and medium-sized businesses in Australia are left wondering what these distant, foreign events mean to their business operations at home.
It's all Greek to me: How world events affect Australian small business budgets
With recent focus on world events, many small- and medium-sized businesses in Australia are left wondering what these distant, foreign events mean to their business operations at home.
WWIII: The Great War on Capital of 2008
Shareholders around the world have seen extravagant expenditures of their wealth squandered by CEOs with their arm-waving and talmudic reading of balance-sheets and P&Ls, like the obsessive, pre-scientific study of entrails. Less than one CEO in a hundred could give an intelligent, educated account of what strategy it would take for their business to survive in the rapidly evolving environment of the next decade.
A Smarter Planet: The Next Leadership Agenda
As the world wakes up to the danger and promise of global integration, Australia's business and political leaders have a choice. Will we content ourselves with surviving the storm, or will we use this opportunity to change the game by infusing intelligence into the systems that support our economy and our society?
Does anyone actually need a $1m salary?
The Global Financial Crisis (a gift from our good friends, CEOs in the USA) is bringing many of us a lot of pain and there is plenty more to come. However, it also brings us a rare opportunity for change. Let's use this time of pain to make painful changes so that when we hit the upswing, we have a better system.
Wasted Opportunity With ‘Don’t Reply’
Take every chance to hear from your customers. Don't waste a single one. If they bother to hit reply and type something out, you should read it. If you're product or service doesn't have the margin to allow for listening to your customers when they want to talk to you, then you're in trouble.
Wasted Opportunity With 'Don't Reply'
Take every chance to hear from your customers. Don't waste a single one. If they bother to hit reply and type something out, you should read it. If you're product or service doesn't have the margin to allow for listening to your customers when they want to talk to you, then you're in trouble.
Enterprise 2.0: Getting nimble with social media
Changes in the business and technical landscapes are forcing companies to change the way their people work to deliver innovation (always faster-better-cheaper) and with less people involved. This drive means that companies need to find better ways for their people to collaborate.
Why executives fear social media
In this video, New York Times technology columnist/blogger David Pogue makes some interesting points on why many executives fear social media, citing loss of control and reluctance to part with their one-way, broadcast spin mentality, to mention a few.