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Our first social media ‘experiment’ for online marketing month. Do you want to be...

The 'zing' factor that social media brings to any marketing campaign is the potential it provides for exponential growth. If one person likes the offer and is compelled to invite their friends to also register for the offer, and if their friends, in turn, feel compelled to register and invite their friends to register for the offer, then you suddenly have on your hands a campaign with significant reach, far beyond anything that traditional media can provide.

Our first social media 'experiment' for online marketing month. Do you want to be...

The 'zing' factor that social media brings to any marketing campaign is the potential it provides for exponential growth. If one person likes the offer and is compelled to invite their friends to also register for the offer, and if their friends, in turn, feel compelled to register and invite their friends to register for the offer, then you suddenly have on your hands a campaign with significant reach, far beyond anything that traditional media can provide.

Help design our Cool Company Awards poster theme for 2009

In a little over 10 days, we will be sending a fleet of mobile-billboards down the busy streets of inner-city Australia to promote our 2009 Cool Company Awards. I'm talking about Scooter Advertising, courtesy of our friends at Subterfuge. In accordance with my blog post of yesterday on using social media to promote the 'cools', it occurred to me that this exercise presents an excellent opportunity to promote two-way reader engagement. So far, we've developed three potential poster and themes (below).

Australian book publishing under attack?

"I want to make sure readers in Australia can buy online at the same price as readers anywhere in the world," said the Booktopia.com.au CEO, Tony Nash.

Something’s rotten in the state of radio

There is frustration in radioland, much tearing of hair and beating of breasts. Nothing they do seems to make much difference to generally dismal ratings and they showed a national decline in revenue at the end of last financial year.

Something's rotten in the state of radio

There is frustration in radioland, much tearing of hair and beating of breasts. Nothing they do seems to make much difference to generally dismal ratings and they showed a national decline in revenue at the end of last financial year.

Does your business need a new financial year makeover?

Are your sales declining, fewer prospects or more competitors in the marketplace? Maybe it’s time for a business “makeover”.

How to grow a business in tough economic times

During World War II when times were tough and money was tight, most businesses around the world were forced to make immediate cost-cuts. The first...

Journalling: Work it out with a pencil

“The ability to ask the right question is more than half the battle of finding the answer.” -- Thomas J. Watson, President of IBM...

Marketing: The write stuff

With emails filling our inboxes every day, why not try the traditional business letter to attract the attention of your reader? One of the most...

Marketing: Writing a winning media release

Writing a winning media release So, your media release didn’t get published. The first question you should ask yourself is – is it newsworthy? Publicity is...
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Three easy wins when using LinkedIn with David Hobson [FREE REPORT]

"If you’re pressed for time, I'm here to help." In this report, David Hobson will show you three quick wins - things you can do to pimp out your LinkedIn profile in 15 minutes or less.



New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...