Tag: client management
Customers are like toddlers: 6 training tips to get them paying on time
Small businesses need to start treating their customers like toddlers and train them to pay on time. Carl Taylor looks at six methods of getting your customers to pay up.
What going home with a hooker taught me about my business
These nuggets of wisdom shared by a brothel worker are more useful than most pieces of business advice you’ll read in a book.
Keep your friends close and your competitors even closer
It is commonplace in business to look at what your competitors are doing and do your own carefully crafted version of that. Excuse me. I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. There is nothing unique about reflecting the messages within your industry.
The 10 best strategic business slides of all time: #10 — The Creative Brief
In the final post in this popular series, Nigel Malone shares his thoughts on creatives in a business context.
“Many a client has told me the creative process is foreign to them, and they don’t really understand how ‘creative people’ do what they do. By the same token, many creatives, to their detriment, fail to understand the consumer and prefer to operate in an artistic vacuum. And if some clients pitched their wares directly to the consumer, well they’d lose interest pretty quickly.”
Have you ever sacked a client?
Having just terminated a relationship with a client, David Moore considers the flawed client service model that sees the provider living on eggshells.