Tag: Caroline Hughes
Can you sue your accountant for failure to claim R&D tax breaks? The answer...
Who should we blame when we find out that we’ve missed the boat on hundreds of thousands of dollars in guaranteed government R&D funding? Ourselves? The Government? Or our Accountant? In other words, who has the responsibility and duty of care to ensure we make our R&D tax claim at tax time?
Innovation designed to assist other innovators scores top spot in Anthill’s SMART 100
Caroline Hughes transformed her frustration into a business that boasts a suite of online tools that make the R&D tax claim process more accessible and far less intimidating. For that, Hughes and her company top the charts in Anthill's SMART 100.
Innovation designed to assist other innovators scores top spot in Anthill's SMART 100
Caroline Hughes transformed her frustration into a business that boasts a suite of online tools that make the R&D tax claim process more accessible and far less intimidating. For that, Hughes and her company top the charts in Anthill's SMART 100.
R&D Eligibility Wizard and R&D Application Wizard (SMART 100)
frustration as to the few Australian companies claiming R&D Tax Breaks led an R&D Tax Specialist (myself) with over a decade's experience to create a series of simple online tools to make the R&D Tax Claim process much easier and more worthwhile than is currently available. The goal is to get all the smart SMEs in Australia claiming what they are entitled to, without the need for hours reading tax legislation or expensive consulting fees. Currently only around 7000 companies in Australia claim R&D versus the 30% that claim to be innovative.
R&D Eligibility Wizard and R&D Application Wizard (SMART 100)
frustration as to the few Australian companies claiming R&D Tax Breaks led an R&D Tax Specialist (myself) with over a decade's experience to create a series of simple online tools to make the R&D Tax Claim process much easier and more worthwhile than is currently available. The goal is to get all the smart SMEs in Australia claiming what they are entitled to, without the need for hours reading tax legislation or expensive consulting fees. Currently only around 7000 companies in Australia claim R&D versus the 30% that claim to be innovative.