Tag: career
Experience required: How to get your foot in the door when entering a new...
If you’re worried about your lack of experience, continue reading to find out how to get your foot in the door and achieve the seemingly impossible first step towards your new career.
Most Australians are “creative.” At least, according to LinkedIn.
"Creative" topped LinkedIn's list of the most overused buzzwords of 2011, as revealed through a study of members' profiles on the global networking site. "Extensive experience," last year's number-one phrase, was the runner-up this year, with "effective", "track record" and "motivated" claiming spots three through five.
Why do head-hunting interviewers ask such strange questions?
We cop a lot of criticism as head hunters and recruitment consultants. Some criticism is justified, some is not. So we thought we’d lift the lid on why we ask the questions we do in an interview to remove some of the mystery, and shine the spotlight on us for once.