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Tag: business presentations

Pssst … want to know the essential secrets of giving a great presentation? [VIDEO]

Actor George Jessel once quipped that, "The human brain starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public.” There are some key things to consider when presenting to anyone, be it five people at a pitch for capital or 1,000 people at a TED event. In this video, Dr. Susan Weinschenk reveals the top five things every presenter should know.

Could the iPad revolutionise coffee-shop meetings?

Sure. We've heard how the iPad will soon become a popular device for watching videos, reading online newspapers and downloading books online. But one really useful use of the iPad that has barely been talked about is its potential function as a presentation and meeting tool.
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How To Grow Your Business and Profits with Jason Cunningham [CHEAT...

Recorded guerrilla-style in the basement of York Butter Factory, the linked video course is a rollicking, authoritative lesson (with some colourful language, mind you) from someone who has been through it all. In this Cheat Sheet, we cover three hot tips from the lesson, with a focus on helping business owners grow and increase profitability: Why entrepreneurs need to think about “the end," why cash flow is king – no matter what you’ve heard, and why you need to have a vision for success.


Instagram for Business… in 12 steps [FREE INFOGRAPHIC]

This FREE INFOGRAPHIC will teach you how to effectively work through these restrictions to maximize the benefits of your business usage of Instagram.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...