Tag: bankruptcy
How one man’s near-bankruptcy created a financial Man Friday
Christian Oey has used skills with which he wriggled out of a $700,000 debt – getting debtors to accept 10 cents on the dollar – into a financial consulting business, helping people avoid bankruptcies and shore up their financial status.
Ethical food advocates demand ACCC investigate Coles and Woolworths. Are farmers and families being...
Australian local food pioneers Food Connect and CERES Fair Food have joined with the National Farmers Federation to call on the ACCC to break up Australia's supermarket duopoly and ensure a more just, equitable and sustainable food future for Australian families.
How to make $6 billion and still be bankrupt [I’m talking about the CBA]
The CBA is making a profit and yielding a handsome return on investors' funds, despite not having enough liquid assets to cover its own debt. How can this be? The answer lies in the Balance Sheet – understand it, and in the event of a downturn, you and your business will withstand the worst.
How to make $6 billion and still be bankrupt [I'm talking about the CBA]
The CBA is making a profit and yielding a handsome return on investors' funds, despite not having enough liquid assets to cover its own debt. How can this be? The answer lies in the Balance Sheet – understand it, and in the event of a downturn, you and your business will withstand the worst.
Australian wages are expected to grow, yet more Australians are filing for bankruptcy [PODCAST]
Frank Lowy is now the richest man in Australia according to the BRW rich list. The property and mining sectors are the country's most profitable sectors. Meanwhile, more Australians are filing for bankruptcy because of unsustainable home loans. Garry Barker and Leon Gettler talk about 'The Week in Review'.
How to put your company into receivership: An extremely candid presentation.
It's a subject that is not often written or spoken about, particularly in the first person, leaving most entrepreneurs with only one option for learning how to shut a company down... the hard way. Special thanks to AIMIA for making this footage available and 'hats off' to Brendan Lewis for this enlightening presentation. To quote the speaker, "You won't find this in any accounting or legal textbook.")
Protecting your business psyche
You are the sum average of the five people you spend the most time with. Assess who these people are and the influence they have on you. Surround yourself with people that nurture your psyche. Make subtle changes to this circle of influence.
What your business should learn from Iceland’s collapse
The great Michael Lewis is probably the best and most readable chronicler of the current financial crisis. In this fascinating piece, he investigates the collapse of Iceland, and finds that mass delusion and lack of dissenting voices, products of Iceland's provincial and isolated culture, were keys to this "perfect bubble" and ensuing disaster.
What your business should learn from Iceland's collapse
The great Michael Lewis is probably the best and most readable chronicler of the current financial crisis. In this fascinating piece, he investigates the collapse of Iceland, and finds that mass delusion and lack of dissenting voices, products of Iceland's provincial and isolated culture, were keys to this "perfect bubble" and ensuing disaster.
Bankruptcy: The B Word
If there is one word that scares entrepreneurs and businesspeople alike, it's the "B" word - bankruptcy.
For the individual concerned, it means the loss...