Australia’s first home loan marketplace has hit the $1 billion mark in under a...
Australia’s first marketplace for home loans, HashChing recently announced its $1 billion of home loans milestone as momentum builds for the Sydney based fintech company.
Five credit checks you must do before putting customers on credit
Does this sound familiar?
You’re excited at getting your first clients on board. And like any entrepreneur with a passion, you’re focused on building fantastic...
Crowd funding – easy capital or legal nightmare?
Crowd funding has come a long way from its origins backing struggling rock bands. It has proven to be a highly successful vehicle to raise funds for disaster relief, philanthropic activities, supporting bloggers and website operators, political campaigns,software development, and scientific research. The next frontier is capital for start up companies.
11 tips for your business to get better profits
Businesses exist to make money. That’s not news right? And, if a company does not generate sufficient profits it may fail. That's not news either. Business bankruptcies are on the rise, with ASIC statistics show that 1123 companies were placed into receivership in February 2012. So, what can businesses do to get better profits?
Repent now or, forever be doomed by insolvency, expert warns businesses
“You cannot run a business in these volatile conditions without keeping a close eye on all the potential risks that customers pose.” According to the latest figures from ASIC, there were 1,318 insolvency appointments in May 2012 – up 9% on May 2011 and closely following the April 2012 figures which in case you didn’t know, were the worst ever on record.
Bibby Financial Services supports calls for tax breaks for Australian SMEs
The latest Bibby survey shows that 52% of Australian small business owners are now more stressed that a year ago and that their major headache is their cash flow. These findings have led the debtor finance specialist to support calls for tax breaks.
Insolvency and turnaround: Is your company in danger of becoming insolvent?
As I recently noted, troubled businesses that wait too long to seek financial help end up hurting the Australian economy – to the tune of $13 billion every year. Fortunately, turnaround specialists are committed to insolvency prevention by returning troubled companies to profitability and financial stability. Here's how to make sure you're alert to the warning signs and know when to call for help.
Who needs an audit?
While keeping a close eye on the activities of your competitors is advantageous, it's important to keep your own affairs in order.