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Tag: Andrew Grant

Here are 3 important things the Australian agtech industry should be doing better

Australia gets a lot of things right when it comes to agricultural research and development (R&D), and we are generally recognised as being one of the best countries for our overall R&D approach.

New Carbon Offset website aims to put lifestyle choices in perspective

Yonderr, the website launched by CO2 Australia, allows individuals and businesses to purchase carbon offset packages based on character profiles that most closely correspond to their lifestyles. Visitors can select among eight different individual and business profiles or perform some basic customisation to estimate the size of their footprint. Packages range from as little as $54 a year for an individual (the vegetarian hippy with a dog, but no car) to $336 a year for a family of four.

Seeing the wood AND the trees: Why Andrew Grant sees ‘carbon sinks’ when he...

Andrew Grant is chief executive of CO2 Australia Limited, the market leader in the establishment and management of major reforestation projects, forests that operate as carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide to lessen the impact of greenhouse gas emissions on the global climate. He talks about the challenges and opportunities of carbon trading schemes.

Seeing the wood AND the trees: Why Andrew Grant sees 'carbon sinks' when he...

Andrew Grant is chief executive of CO2 Australia Limited, the market leader in the establishment and management of major reforestation projects, forests that operate as carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide to lessen the impact of greenhouse gas emissions on the global climate. He talks about the challenges and opportunities of carbon trading schemes.

Carsales.com founder named E&Y 2009 Entrepreneur Of The Year

Greg Roebuck, founder and CEO of online automotive classified advertising platform carsales.com, was last night named the Ernst & Young 2009 Australian Entrepreneur Of The Year at an awards ceremony held in Sydney.

Carsales.com founder named E&Y 2009 Entrepreneur Of The Year

Greg Roebuck, founder and CEO of online automotive classified advertising platform carsales.com, was last night named the Ernst & Young 2009 Australian Entrepreneur Of The Year at an awards ceremony held in Sydney.

Top entrepreneurs in Victoria and Tasmania named

The six best entrepreneurs from the Southern Region (Victoria and Tasmania) were named at the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards in Melbourne last Thursday night.
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Five essential things to get right if you want to raise...

So you’ve got a brilliant idea, or maybe you’ve even started building your nascent business, but you think it might help to bring on some extra money. You try to raise the money, but wherever you go it seems there are roadblocks and challenges, and it’s difficult to know where to start. To help tackle this tricky tropic, we interviewed Bryan Vadas. He’s the founder of iPledg (Australia’s leading crowdfunding platform for creative, commercial, charitable and community projects) and Capital Exchange Australia (an education and funding platform for startups).


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...