Tag: Alberto Posso
Talking Business podcast: RMIT economist Alberto Posso on reduced oil and coal trade
Economist Alberto Posso recently sat down with Talking Business’ Leon and Garry to chat about the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ (ABS) release of trade figures and Australia’s new surplus.
In many countries, women still earn less than men. How does Australia rank?
In this week’s Talking Business Analysis, RMIT economist Alberto Posso talks about wages growth and the differential between male and female wages. He observes a sizable gender gap still exists in Australia and looks at some reasons that explain this disparity.
Talking Business Analysis: Utility price jumps may call for intervention
In this podcast, RMIT Economist Alberto Posso talks about misleading inflation figures and job market data. While the consumer price index is slightly up, utility prices have jumped and may hurt working families without some short-term government intervention.
Facts and figures: retail trade and engineering construction
Talking Business is a podcast review of the Australian economy, presented by seasoned business journalists Leon Gettler and Garry Barker, produced in association with the RMIT College of Business. In this podcast, RMIT economist Alberto Posso talks to Leon and Garry about retail trade and engineering construction figures.
Australians earning more, living (and working) longer, according to ABS
RMIT economist Alberto Posso talks about the latest well-being figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Australians are richer, living longer and better educated. And while income inequality is increasing, the poor are better off than they were 10 years ago.
How migrant salaries should influence Australia’s foreign aid policies
RMIT economist Alberto Posso talks about the latest unemployment data and the issue of remittances from migrants sending money home to their families. Download this podcast to hear his take on how remittances can shape the government’s foreign aid policy.
Another way to measure recovery: look at underemployment
RMIT economist Alberto Posso presents his findings on unemployment trends based on numbers from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. He says that a significant challenge for a recovering economy is reducing the number of underemployed workers who have been unable to find full-time work.
What does an older society mean for the economy?
RMIT economist Alberto Posso looks at the rapid increase in over-65-year-olds, which is three times more than the increase in younger people. He says this will put pressure on dependency ratios and economic growth. He says cuts to immigration are bad for the economy because they will put further pressure on dependency ratios.
What is GDP and what is contributing to its growth in Australia? [PODCAST]
RMIT economist Alberto Posso talks about Australia’s GDP rising 0.5%, raising questions about the Government spending crowding out private sector investment. He also looks at the drop in mining investment and asks whether manufacturing and agriculture can level the balance.
Gerry Harvey talks about his retirement… not! [PODCAST]
Gerry Harvey, chief of Harvey Norman, is now in his 70s. In this rare interview with Gary Barker and Leon Gettler, he talks about the stupidity of people retiring at 65. He also shares insights on the future of Harvey Norman.