Sebastien Eckersley-Maslin
Why investors want your business to have three distinct types of customer. Do you...
Since making the transition from service provider to start-up investor, I've developed several criteria that allow me to quickly identify if a business idea is worth taking on. One requirement is that I believe a business must have three customers. Obviously I don't mean three individuals – rather, three distinct groups of customers that play an important role in a business' lifecycle.
How a group of 10 year-old entrepreneurs schooled me about business
I help out with an initiative called Club Kidpreneur. It's a fantastic organisation that teaches basic business skills to school kids aged eight to 10. The amazing thing about workshopping business ideas with children is their out-of-the-box thinking. When I became involved in Kidpreneur, I naturally expected that I would be sharing my wisdom. I never expected to be schooled by 10 year-olds.
How to build a business in 7 days for under $500 [Day#7: The Launch]
So you want to start a business but time and money are holding you back? Sebastien Eckersley-Maslin set himself the challenge of launching a startup in seven days for less than $500. He’s posted daily summaries for seven days. This is his seventh and final post in the series.
How to build a business in 7 days for under $500 [Day#6: The Gateway]
AutoCarLog was quickly becoming a fully-functional system to manage vehicle mileage logbooks online. Now I needed a way for my customers to update their log books using SMS, and for this I needed an SMS gateway.
How to build a business in 7 days for under $500 [Day#5: The Design]
So, you want to start a business but have no time or money? That’s no excuse, according to Sebastien Eckersley-Maslin.
In early 2010, serial...
How to build a business in 7 days for under $500 [Day#4: The Function]
So you want to start a business but time and money are holding you back? Sebastien Eckersley-Maslin has set himself the challenge of launching a startup in seven days for less than $500. He’s posting daily summaries for seven days. This is his fourth post in the series. If you’re new to this series, it’s worth reading the preceding posts for context.
How to build a business in 7 days for under $500 [Day#3: The Pitch]
So you want to start a business but time and money are holding you back? Sebastien Eckersley-Maslin has set himself the challenge of launching a startup in seven days for less than $500. He’s posting daily summaries for seven days. This is his third post in the series. If you’re new to this series, it’s worth reading the preceding posts for context.
How to build a business in 7 days for under $500 [Day#2: The Setup]
So you want to start a business but time and money are holding you back? Sebastien Eckersley-Maslin has set himself the challenge of launching a startup in seven days for less than $500. This is the second post in the series.
How to build a business in 7 days for under $500 [Day#1: The Idea]
So you want to start a business but time and money are holding you back? Sebastien Eckersley-Maslin has set himself the challenge of launching a startup in seven days for less than $500. This is his introductory post in the series. The clock has started!